Here we use winston, winston-loki and Grafana Loki for logging and monitoring. Logging certain values and messages with winston and Loki, we are able to have dashboard to represent the state of the thing. Right now, the dashboard is available only for http-express-calculator-simple.
It shows action invocation counts, observe counts, event subscription counts, up to date property values, incoming http requests and response of the thing to those requests and input-output values for actions.
Implementation simple but not very well organized. We create functions and variables manually that would help us logging the up to date values for properties, subscriptions and observe counts. Maybe we can automate the creation of these functions and variables with node-wot in the future.
Closes #33.
Here we use winston, winston-loki and Grafana Loki for logging and monitoring. Logging certain values and messages with winston and Loki, we are able to have dashboard to represent the state of the thing. Right now, the dashboard is available only for http-express-calculator-simple.
It shows action invocation counts, observe counts, event subscription counts, up to date property values, incoming http requests and response of the thing to those requests and input-output values for actions.
Implementation simple but not very well organized. We create functions and variables manually that would help us logging the up to date values for properties, subscriptions and observe counts. Maybe we can automate the creation of these functions and variables with node-wot in the future.