eclipse-threadx / samples

A collection of complete sample workspaces and projects for popular development boards from ST, NXP, Renesas, Microchip and Microsoft using popular IDEs and toolchains, including IAR, ARM, STM32CubeIDE, MCUXpresso, MPLAB, Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Code.
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Compatibility between different version of azure rtos components #35

Open EnricoIMX opened 1 year ago

EnricoIMX commented 1 year ago

Hi everybody, i open an old project that i receive and this is developed with board RT1060 nxp board and azure rtos. I have to integrate third part code in this project, but as soon as i start to integrate this i see a lot of error about AzureRtos.. i thin kand i check there are difference in in the version of the component in the old project the components have version 6.1 instead in the third part code have version 6.1.10.. what i see is an error in guix library.. that not found the reference of tx_queue functions.. ( i think that these are defined in threadX components).

01_screenerror error2

Which are the interdependencies between the azure rtos components.. ? (especially when they are with different versions) How can i solve this issue?

Thanks E.

wangwen-4220 commented 1 year ago

@EnricoIMX, it should be ok to compile ThreadX and GUIX with different 6.1.x version. I doubt. the compile issue is caused by the linker library linked sequency. could you change sequence of linking the guix.a and threadx.a and see if it works.