Closed ctron closed 4 years ago
Yes it's normal, because this feature is not implemented. Any PR are welcome!
Then I would at least let people know. Having a button that doesn't work isn't really helping.
Then I would at least let people know. Having a button that doesn't work isn't really helping.
Maybe we could instead enable the button and put a handler popping up "Send PRs to to enable this feature" :P
I might get around to working on this when I have a moment as I intend to revive and add support for setting the generic editors colours based on the users JDT syntax colours.
Are there any tips someone might have for me? If not it’s okay, I’ll figure it out eventually :)
IMO, if we can install TextMate themes, as there are already many of them, it wouldn't be necessary to have an extra layer such as eclipse-color-themes to deal with syntax highlighting themes. I also believe that for the use-case of "propagating JDT settings", it'd be easier to just listen to the JDT settings a dynamically generate a TextMate theme from them and have TM4E able to reference this theme.
If I unpack org.eclipse.tm4e.ui_{version}.jar
to org.eclipse.tm4e.ui_{version}/
, would Eclipse prefer files in this subdirectory or ignore them?
In the positive case: If the version changes due to an update, Eclipse would probably not migrate files edited in there?...
the content of the plugins/ directory are internal and shouldn't be modified directly by users.
Then it may have to be located in eclipse/configuration
or similar? To customize a theme, it may have to be possible to store directly accessible CSS files somewhere where they are expected... :thinking:
Themes should be added via preferences dialog. Some options could be offered to add CSS, extract CSS to allow editing a copy and so on, but users should simply not have to dig into the IDE installation on filesystem; as there are a lot of ways to make mistakes here.
Can't this plugin provide the same UI for color configuration in Preferences as is done for specific languages?
I prefer to have a way to change separate colors for each language element then importing complete themes.
Adding preferences for individual colors is a lot of work, and how profitable it is to the crowd is arguable. As languages can have specific token types, it's also not possible to statically get a list of all possible token, so we cannot hardcode a complete set of preferences anyway. Instead of having some Eclipse-specific UI, it's IMO much better for TM4E to 1. fix this current bug so people can add their grammars and (optionally) 2. fix issue #98 (or provide some other guidance on how to edit textmate themes). For your case, the workflow would then become: 1. get the current theme, 2. tweak it and 3. add your tweaked fork to TM4E.
But in any case this current #190 is a preliminary step before we can enable any further configuration. Contributions would be welcome!
I agree that making the buttons work is most important.
But as a user I like Eclipse to work as an integrated platform that provides a consistent UI for similar functions. Color settings are already spread over different places and do not always work together well.
Fixed with
In Eclipse 2018-09 I have a preference page for selecting themes, the page says I can "Create" themes, but the "New…" button is disabled:
Installation Details
~~~ *** Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 2:49:26 PM Central European Standard Time *** Platform Details: *** System properties: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jreimann/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib SYS_ROOT=/home/jreimann/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu applicationXMI=org.eclipse.ui.workbench/LegacyIDE.e4xmi awt.toolkit=sun.awt.X11.XToolkit ds.delayed.keepInstances=true eclipse.application=org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench eclipse.buildId=4.9.0.I20180906-0745 eclipse.commands=-os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 -showsplash -launcher /home/jreimann/committers-2018-09/eclipse/eclipse -name Eclipse --launcher.library /home/jreimann/.p2/pool/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.800.v20180827-1352/ -startup /home/jreimann/committers-2018-09/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.100.v20180827-1352.jar --launcher.appendVmargs -exitdata 1bac0019 -product org.eclipse.epp.package.committers.product -vm /home/jreimann/jvm/jdk-10.0.2+13/bin/java eclipse.home.location=file:/home/jreimann/committers-2018-09/eclipse/ eclipse.launcher=/home/jreimann/committers-2018-09/eclipse/eclipse eclipse.p2.max.threads=10 eclipse.p2.profile=_home_jreimann_committers-2018-09_eclipse eclipse.product=org.eclipse.epp.package.committers.product eclipse.startTime=1542807231310 eclipse.stateSaveDelayInterval=30000 eclipse.vm=/home/jreimann/jvm/jdk-10.0.2+13/bin/java eclipse.vmargs=-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.8 -Dosgi.instance.area.default=@user.home/eclipse-workspace -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication --add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.8 -Dosgi.dataAreaRequiresExplicitInit=true -Xms256m -Xmx1024m --add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM -Declipse.p2.max.threads=10 -Doomph.update.url= -Doomph.redirection.index.redirection=index:/-> -jar /home/jreimann/committers-2018-09/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.100.v20180827-1352.jar equinox.init.uuid=true equinox.use.ds=true file.encoding=UTF-8 file.separator=/ gosh.args=--nointeractive guice.disable.misplaced.annotation.check=true ibm.signalhandling.sigchain=true ibm.signalhandling.sigint=true ibm.system.encoding=UTF-8 java.awt.fonts= java.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment java.awt.printerjob=sun.print.PSPrinterJob java.class.path=/home/jreimann/committers-2018-09/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.100.v20180827-1352.jar java.class.version=54.0 java.compiler=j9jit29 java.fullversion=10.0.2-adoptopenjdk+13 JRE 10 Linux amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20180813_102 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled) OpenJ9 - 24e53631 OMR - fad6bf6e JCL - 7db90eda56 based on jdk-10.0.2+13 java.home=/home/jreimann/jvm/jdk-10.0.2+13 java.library.path=/home/jreimann/jvm/jdk-10.0.2+13/lib/compressedrefs:/home/jreimann/jvm/jdk-10.0.2+13/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib Runtime Environment java.runtime.version=10.0.2-adoptopenjdk+13 Platform API Specification java.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation java.specification.version=10 java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory=java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferencesFactory java.vendor=Eclipse OpenJ9 java.vendor.url= java.version=10.0.2-adoptopenjdk 10 Linux amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20180813_102 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled) OpenJ9 - 24e53631 OMR - fad6bf6e JCL - 7db90eda56 based on jdk-10.0.2+13 OpenJ9 VM Virtual Machine Specification java.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation java.vm.specification.version=10 java.vm.vendor=Eclipse OpenJ9 java.vm.version=openj9-0.9.0 for OpenJDK for Eclipse OpenJ9 jdk.extensions.version= line.separator= oomph.redirection.index.redirection=index:/-> oomph.update.url= org.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog org.eclipse.debug.ui.breakpoints.toggleFactoriesUsed=true org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.splash.location=/home/jreimann/.p2/pool/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.9.0.v20180906-0745/splash.bmp org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.configUrl=file:org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/ org.eclipse.swt.internal.deviceZoom=100 org.eclipse.swt.internal.gdk.backend=x11 org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.theme=Adwaita org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.version=3.22.26 org.eclipse.swt.internal.webkitgtk.version=2.16.6 org.osgi.framework.executionenvironment=OSGi/Minimum-1.0, OSGi/Minimum-1.1, OSGi/Minimum-1.2, JavaSE/compact1-1.8, JavaSE/compact2-1.8, JavaSE/compact3-1.8, JRE-1.1, J2SE-1.2, J2SE-1.3, J2SE-1.4, J2SE-1.5, JavaSE-1.6, JavaSE-1.7, JavaSE-1.8, JavaSE-9, JavaSE-10 org.osgi.framework.language=en org.osgi.framework.os.version=3.10.0.el7 org.osgi.framework.processor=x86-64;"OSGi/Minimum"; version:List