POST Endpoint to be adjusted: /api/registration/application/{applicationId}/documentType/{documentTypeId}/documents
API should store Length in Kilobyte.
New Databasefield in table documents -> document_size type Long
GET Endpoints to be adjusted:
Execute SQL script to update the documents.document_size field for existing entries.
New documentSize field added in docuents table also script for already existing document to get its size in database added.
Post/Get endpoints associated with documents table enhanced.
POST Endpoint to be adjusted: /api/registration/application/{applicationId}/documentType/{documentTypeId}/documents API should store Length in Kilobyte. New Databasefield in table documents -> document_size type Long
GET Endpoints to be adjusted: /api/registration/application/{applicationId}/documentType/{documentTypeId}/documents
Execute SQL script to update the documents.document_size field for existing entries.
New documentSize field added in docuents table also script for already existing document to get its size in database added. Post/Get endpoints associated with documents table enhanced.
Please delete options that are not relevant.