eclipse-tractusx / portal-backend

Portal Backend
Apache License 2.0
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SSI Flow - Middle Layer/Wrapper of DIM functions #479

Open jjeroch opened 5 months ago

jjeroch commented 5 months ago



develop a wrapper (must be release configurable) which wrappes wallet specific functions


...details to be added...currently under validation


the wrapper needs a config file including the

the wrapper itself should cover the following endpoint triggers:

! Please note: Step 1 & 2 is only needed once (basically after an env. refresh if no global account was created yet).
  1. GET /gloablAccount

  2. POST /parentGUID={your parent GUID}

    "description": "API generated BTP directory",
    "directoryAdmins": [
    "{email}" //fetched from the env. config file
    "displayName": "CX-Operation Customers", //fetched from the env. config file
    "labels": {
    "cloud_management_service": [
      "Created by API - Don't change it"
    ] }
  3. Store the new created Directory GUID (where? tbd)

  4. Create the customer sub-Account inside the wallet

  "betaEnabled": false,
  "description": "CX customer sub-account {companyName}",  //to be created automatically by static text + company name
  "displayName": "{companies.business_partner_number}_{}",  // TenantName of #453 
  "labels": {
    "Cloud Management Service": [
      "Created by API - Don't change it"
    "tea_validity": [
      "Maximum 90 days"
    ] },
  "origin": "API",
  "parentGUID": "{{get_global_account_info.response.body.guid}}", // add the stored gloabl account GUID
  "region": "eu12",
  "subaccountAdmins": [ 
      "{email}" //fetched from the env. config file
  "subdomain": "test01",  // Change this
  "usedForProduction": "PRODUCTION"
  1. Create a serviceManagerBinding (only needed for new GlobalAccounts - otherwise existing)
details unknown
  1. Store tech. user details
details unknown
  1. add cloudServiceManagement instance
details unknown

Note - from the description received from the DIM provider following tasks are not relevant:

As soon as this is done, the service needs to proceed with setting up the tenant details.

Phil91 commented 4 months ago

The new repo was requested: