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Trace-X Release 23.12 Security Acceptance Criteria #131

Closed kelaja closed 8 months ago

kelaja commented 11 months ago

Release Security 23.12

Source in Catena-X Confluence and Expert Contacts here(Source only accessible for Catena-X Consortia members in current transition phase).

ds-mwesener commented 10 months ago

Static Application Security Testing (SAST):

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Secret scanning

Threat Modelling Analysis results

ds-mwesener commented 10 months ago

Hi @kelaja would it be possible to already check the prepared results in my comments above? As the Threat Modelling Analysis will take some time until it is done, it would be great to already have some progress.

Thanks you very much.

mkanal commented 10 months ago

@kelaja @guenterban PEN KeyCloak seems not to be working to successfully execute DAST tests.

ds-mwesener commented 10 months ago

Hi @kelaja / @guenterban has been resolved and all results regarding security relevant scans can be found above. Thanks in advance.

mkanal commented 10 months ago

@guenterban Alignment took place by telephone on 13.11.2023. As there have been no changes since release 3.2, it is not necessary to update the Threat Modelling Analysis results

PiotrStys commented 9 months ago

Hi @ds-mwesener,

Regarding DAST, no high/critical findings reported by Invicti.

Speaking about the medium-level findings, please make sure you keep the SSL/TLS certificate updated as it has been reported to expire soon.

DAST Passed

Regards, Piotr

DnlZF commented 9 months ago

Hi, there are no open GitGuardian findings:


-> Secret scanning approved

Best regards Daniel

klaudiaZF commented 9 months ago

Hi All,

SCA Passed for Backend and Frontend, just please keep in mind that SAST did not pass, due to 2 high findings.

Please be also aware that we have few open medium findings.

mkanal commented 9 months ago

Hello @klaudiaZF we have mitigated the SCA. Kindlya ask for an recheck?

klaudiaZF commented 9 months ago

Hi @mkanal ,

High findings in Veracode are mitigated.

klaudiaZF commented 9 months ago

Hi All,

SAST passed for backend and frontend, please keep in mind that the red color on backend screenshot is due to SCA

Keep in mind that we have few open medium findings.

klaudiaZF commented 9 months ago

Hi All, We have new high finding for SCA backend. Can someone mitigated high finding ? SCA for backend can't be passed now

ds-mwesener commented 9 months ago

HI @klaudiaZF the scans will be executed against the latest main of our code repository. As the release has been already completed is it okay for you to accept it here and create an issue on our repository to fix the high finding on our latest code base? Otherwise in my opinion it would be good to have a clear timeline how long we need to follow up on high findings regarding older releases. As this can always occur on all projects.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards


scherersebastian commented 9 months ago

backend has container scanning findings kics passed

ds-mwesener commented 9 months ago

HI @scherersebastian this is a known issue. Please find explanation here: and here:

klaudiaZF commented 9 months ago

@guenterban is this ok if we pass SCA based on previous scan that didn't had a high vulnerability and fix that new high finding by creating an issue on repository?

guenterban commented 9 months ago

SCA passed We had done our snapshot with green light. The team has to fix it as a mainenance task.

mkanal commented 9 months ago

Hello @guenterban thank you very much.