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EDC - MXD - Add HTTP Backend Service #314

Open stefan-ettl opened 8 months ago

stefan-ettl commented 8 months ago


Every connector deploys a small java app that exposes a REST API, which provides some dummy data. This API is made available as Asset/Dataset in their catalog, so that consumers can transfer JSON data in a consumer-pull scenario The app should be implemented using EDC Components (no NodeJS, no Spring,…) and be hosted in the tutorials-resources repo. This will enable HTTP transfers. Deliverables:

  1. Small Java APP with REST API
  2. [optional] Docker image containing the API
  3. Terraform scripts to deploy the app
  4. Additions to the postman collections and the README so that an Asset is created that refers to the HTTP API.


In order to conclude Business Test scenarios with the MXD, this task is an important milestone in order to execute those testcases.

Additional information

stephanbcbauer commented 1 month ago

Hello @stefan-ettl , @lgblaumeiser

Since the feature is a 24.05 feature and the development phase for 24.08 is coming to an end, we need a status on the feature. Can you please update the status?

If you need any clarification, please get in touch, thank you very much.


hemantxpatel commented 1 month ago

Related Issue: eclipse-tractusx/tutorial-resources#128 Related PR: eclipse-tractusx/tutorial-resources#172