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Consolidation and Restructuring of Use Case Framework Agreement #581

Open DanielaWuensch opened 3 months ago

DanielaWuensch commented 3 months ago


As of today (Catena-X Release 24.05), we have the following use case framework agreements per use case:

These framework agreements describe all general conditions and the purposes, which are mandatory or allowed in the asset negotiations for assets of this use case. With Catena-X Release 24.08, there should only be one use case framework agreement for Catena-X, which contains only the conditions valid for all use cases. The mandatory or allowed purposes will not be part of the use case framework agreement anymore but only be referenced in the Catena-X standard CX-0018 as part of an CX ODRL profile.

Timeline when new consolidated framework agreement is planned:

All members who want to share data need to sign the framework agreement, other wise credential is revoked and they cannot provide or consume data for any use case anymore.


Impact = Outcome

Additional information

DanielaWuensch commented 3 months ago

Labels: "SSI" and "data sovereignty" will be added as soon as they exist

DanielaWuensch commented 3 months ago

Decision matrix for separate credential should be included (based on member without use cases framework agreement, versioning, issuance and offboarding)

jjeroch commented 3 months ago

Ticket Refinement needed this week. I have summarized the outstanding tasks below @DanielaWuensch

As soon as those information are shared following tickets are needed in the respective repos

Last but not least:

stefan-ettl commented 3 months ago

Hi @DanielaWuensch,

in my opinion this is not a EDC topic. @jjeroch where do you see this topic?

jjeroch commented 3 months ago

Hi @DanielaWuensch,

in my opinion this is not a EDC topic. @jjeroch where do you see this topic?

Agree; it is SSI (following components: Policy Hub, Policy Registry, authority & schema registry, issuer component)

DanielaWuensch commented 3 months ago

@stefan-ettl : As standard CX-0018 need to be adapted as result I also added EDC as label. If this is not necessary, I can remove it.

DanielaWuensch commented 3 months ago

Ticket Refinement needed this week. I have summarized the outstanding tasks below @DanielaWuensch

  • Please clearly state which Frameworks are replaced by the consolidated framework contract. This will ensure that no misunderstandings are existing.
  • Additionally following questions need to get answered to allow a possible implementation:

    • When will the replacement take place
    • With the replacement will it still be possible to obtain the useCase Framework Credential?
    • Is it ok if the current useCase Framework Credential holders keep the credential until it expires?
    • What is needed to obtain the consolidated framework credential? (e.g. signing something, etc.)
    • Will the consolidated framework contract might have versions in future (means do we need to foresee this scenario)?
    • What if a member has no consolidated framework credential anymore (e.g. due to expiry)?
    • Are we free in the naming? E.g. following known names such as "cx-policy:FrameworkAgreement" with the value "core:1.0"

As soon as those information are shared following tickets are needed in the respective repos

  • information to the Operation Committee needed (ideally via ticket)
  • implementation ticket for policy hub needed
  • implementation ticket for policy repo needed
  • implementation ticket for authority & schema registry needed
  • implementation ticket for issuer component needed
  • sub-task for standard needed ++ ideally directly the ownership to be defined since not everyone will be able to update the standard

Last but not least:

  • any risks?
  • any dependencies which the community needs to know?

@jjeroch : Thanks for the detailed feedback. This really helps. I added all responses to questions in the ticket description. The refined tickets per party I will create after the PI planning did take place

DanielaWuensch commented 3 months ago

maybe label it dataspace connectivity expert group as soon as it here

OSchlienz commented 2 months ago

Hi @DanielaWuensch, is it planned to substitute all specific use-case agreements by one overarching agreement valid for all existing (and upcoming) usecases? In this case it would be sufficient to have a FrameworkAgrement-Credential type "core" for all use-cases, correct? Or is it planned to have a use-case-selection within the agreement?

DanielaWuensch commented 2 months ago

Hi @OSchlienz , it will only be one overarching framework agreement, which will not contain any purposes but only the general conditions valid for all use cases. The purposes remain use case specific but will not be listed in the agreement. Therefore, we still need the use cases in the namespace of the purposes. The credential itself has then a type like this or similar: "type": ["VerifiableCredential", "DataExchangeGovernance"].

OSchlienz commented 2 months ago

Hi @DanielaWuensch , then there will be only one verifiable credential for the overarching framework agreement, which covers all use case purposes, hence the use-case specific credentials are not needed anymore. The overarching framework VC will be the proof for all purposes, correct?

DanielaWuensch commented 2 months ago

@OSchlienz : Yes this is the idea, however, the governance process in issue will describe how long the old credentials are still valid and when they will be revoked. So, they might still exist for 2408.

stephanbcbauer commented 2 months ago

Was presented in the open planning ⇾ please clearify with policy hub and issuer component

HFocken commented 2 months ago

I'd like to contribute

DanielaWuensch commented 2 months ago

Labels to be added if they exist: issuer component, ssi, policy registry, policy hub, data sovereignty

DanielaWuensch commented 2 months ago

@DanielaWuensch : name of right operand and VC to be clarified until end of April 2024

DanielaWuensch commented 2 months ago

adapted based on reviewer comments in open planning with policy hub and credential issuer team - proposal to move it back to backlog in open planning on April 11, 2024

stephanbcbauer commented 2 months ago

Was presented in the open planning ⇾ open decision label can be deleted.

stephanbcbauer commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @DanielaWuensch , @HFocken

Since the feature is a 24.08 feature and the development phase is coming to an end, we need a status on the feature.

If you need any clarification, please get in touch, thank you very much. Stephan

DanielaWuensch commented 2 weeks ago
