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feat(bpdm-gate-pool): MVP hierarchy data model adjustment #833

Open HeyHardy opened 1 month ago

HeyHardy commented 1 month ago

GitHub Issue #754

User Story: Hierarchy Management for BPNLs in Catena-X Portal

As a Company Admin,
I want to manage hierarchies for Business Partner Number Lists (BPNLs) in the Catena-X Portal,
so that I can effectively organize and control the relationships between different BPNLs.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. CRUD Operations:

    • Create: Ability to create a new hierarchy type “Is Managed in Catena-X Portal By” with "valid from" and "valid to" attributes.
    • Read: Display all hierarchy types, including “Is Managed in Catena-X Portal By” with their details.
    • Update: Allow editing of existing hierarchies by changing the "valid from" and "valid to" dates.
    • Delete: Allow deletion of hierarchies when no longer needed.
  2. Hierarchy Types:

    • Initial support for “Is Managed in Catena-X Portal By”.
    • Future implementation for additional types: “Is Registered Alternative For” and “Is Replaced By”.
    • Ensure that each BPNL can support multiple hierarchy types.
  3. Relationship Types:

    • Implement relationship types “public” and “non-public”.
    • Default relationship type should be “non-public”.
    • Company Admins can set and change the relationship type of a BPNL-BPNL relation.
  4. Functional Requirements for the Pool and Gate Datamodel:

    • Sequence for CRUD of hierarchies: Portal UI ==> Portal Gate ==> Pool.
    • Needed attributes: "valid to" and "valid from".
    • Initial hierarchy type: “Is Managed in Catena-X Portal By”.
    • Future hierarchy types: “Is Registered Alternative For”, “Is Replaced By”.
    • Support for multiple hierarchy types for each BPNL.
    • Relationship types: "public" and "non-public" (default: "non-public").
    • Admin roles: Full access to create and edit hierarchies.
    • Standard users: View-only access to hierarchies.
  5. Data Modeling and Integration:

    • Adjust BPDM payload structure to include fields for new hierarchy types.
    • Ensure data model schema is updated to support the required hierarchy fields.
Sebastian-Wurm commented 1 month ago

@HeyHardy: This seems to be the implementation user story of the MVP. Shouldn't we move that from sig-release to bpdm?

HeyHardy commented 1 month ago

obsolete, work on here