Collecting and providing IRS and Trace-X performance metrics to Prometheus where it could later be imported to e.g. Grafana to have a monitoring of the products regarding performance Metrics and KPIS.
What's the benefit?
Product provides performance metric which could be shown.
What are the Risks/Dependencies ?
Nothing to report
Detailed explanation
The system should collect various operational metrics from IRS and Trace-X as specified, ensuring that these metrics are available through the Prometheus interface for monitoring and visualization in Grafana. These metrics should cover contract negotiation durations, twin synchronization, asset requests, and API orchestration flows, all of which are essential for the performance and reliability monitoring of the system.
Current implementation
IRS already provides metrics via Prometheus. This will be extended.
Trace-X doesn't provide metrics via Prometheus.
Proposed improvements
[ ] EDC Contract Negotiation (Duration)
[ ] Metric: Duration per notification
[ ] Measurement Points:
[ ] Start: POST /management/v2/contractnegotiations
[ ] End: Endpoint response with codes 200, 400, 405, etc.
[ ] Metric Aggregation: Duration avg, max, min, peak of responses with different response codes.
[ ] Prometheus Integration: Metric data exposed to Prometheus.
[ ] Grafana Visualization: Displayed as time series with avg, max, min, peak.
[ ] Sync Duration for Sync Total Amount of Twins in DTR
[ ] Prometheus Integration: Metric data exposed to Prometheus.
[ ] Grafana Visualization: Displayed as time series with avg, max, min, peak.
Feature Team
Cofinity-X @rogocof
Cofinity-X @mkanal
User Story
As a team,
I want to collect and provide IRS and Trace-X metrics to Prometheus
So that they can, the team could monitor key performance indicators in Grafana.
The system should collect various operational metrics from IRS and Trace-X as specified, ensuring that these metrics are available through the Prometheus interface for monitoring and visualization in Grafana. These metrics should cover contract negotiation durations, twin synchronization, asset requests, and API orchestration flows, all of which are essential for the performance and reliability monitoring of the system.
Acceptance Critieria
[ ] Metrics provided over Prometheus
[ ] Metrics available in Grafana
[ ] Metrics are implemented
[ ] EDC Contract Negotiation (Duration)
[ ] EDC Asset Requesting Flow (DTR)
[ ] EDC Asset Requesting Flow (Asset)
[ ] EDC Twin Requesting Flow
[ ] Order API Orchestration Before Processing
Test Cases
Test Case 1
Do something
Click something
Add something
Expected Result
Architectural Relevance
The following items are ensured (answer: yes) after this issue is implemented:
[ ] This feature aligns with our current architectural guidelines
[ ] The impact on the overall system architecture has been assessed. The Feature does not require changes to the architecture or any existing standard? Please have a look here on the overarching architecture
[ ] Potential risks or conflicts with existing architecture has been assessed
Justification:(Fill this out, if at least one of the checkboxes above cannot be ticked. Contact the Architecture Management Committee to get an approval for the justification)
Additional information
[x] I am aware that my request may not be developed if no developer can be found for it. I'll try to contribute a developer (bring your own developer)
Explain the topic in 2 sentences
Collecting and providing IRS and Trace-X performance metrics to Prometheus where it could later be imported to e.g. Grafana to have a monitoring of the products regarding performance Metrics and KPIS.
What's the benefit?
Product provides performance metric which could be shown.
What are the Risks/Dependencies ?
Detailed explanation
The system should collect various operational metrics from IRS and Trace-X as specified, ensuring that these metrics are available through the Prometheus interface for monitoring and visualization in Grafana. These metrics should cover contract negotiation durations, twin synchronization, asset requests, and API orchestration flows, all of which are essential for the performance and reliability monitoring of the system.
Current implementation
IRS already provides metrics via Prometheus. This will be extended.
Trace-X doesn't provide metrics via Prometheus.
Proposed improvements
[ ] EDC Contract Negotiation (Duration)
[ ] Sync Duration for Sync Total Amount of Twins in DTR
[ ] EDC Asset Requesting Flow (DTR)
[ ] EDC Asset Requesting Flow (Asset)
[ ] EDC Twin Requesting Flow
[ ] Order API Orchestration Before Processing
Feature Team
User Story
As a team, I want to collect and provide IRS and Trace-X metrics to Prometheus So that they can, the team could monitor key performance indicators in Grafana.
The system should collect various operational metrics from IRS and Trace-X as specified, ensuring that these metrics are available through the Prometheus interface for monitoring and visualization in Grafana. These metrics should cover contract negotiation durations, twin synchronization, asset requests, and API orchestration flows, all of which are essential for the performance and reliability monitoring of the system.
Acceptance Critieria
Test Cases
Test Case 1
Expected Result
Architectural Relevance
The following items are ensured (answer: yes) after this issue is implemented:
Justification: (Fill this out, if at least one of the checkboxes above cannot be ticked. Contact the Architecture Management Committee to get an approval for the justification)
Additional information