Add a new dataplane exchange mechanism that is based on Kafka and provides a publish subscribe continuous data push from the provider to the consumer.
What's the benefit?
Data exchange which allows to continuously provide event based data. This enables a complete new world of use cases that are currently only supported with weird workarounds.
What are the Risks/Dependencies ?
None, as it is a feature addition
Detailed explanation
Current implementation
Proposed improvements
Based on a provider side Kafka installation, available topics are provided as assets in an EDC. After getting a contract, the Transfer Process metaphor is used to enable and disable access to the topic. The access is provided by a token that the consumer can use to directly enable the access to the topic in the available Kafka service.
Feature Team
Andrea Bertagnolli
User Stories
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] A dataplane exists that provides a Kafka based publish subscribe data exchange
[ ] The dataplane is quality assured with appropriate tests
[ ] The relevance for a standard change is evaluated and a potential change is triggered
Test Cases
Test Case 1
Do a Kafka data transfer
An asset providing a Kafka topic as offering is created
A consumer negotiates for the asset and agrees to a contract
With the provided access data, the consumer access the topic on the provided Kafka instance
Expected Result
The consumer can access events on the Kafka topic
Based on the transfer process state, the access is provided or blocked. The consumer can reestablish a data transfer by changing the state of the transfer process (suspend/resume, reinitiate the transfer)
Architectural Relevance
[X] This feature aligns with our current architectural guidelines
[ ] The impact on the overall system architecture has been assessed. The Feature does not require changes to the architecture or any existing standard? Please have a look here on the overarching architecture
[X] Potential risks or conflicts with existing architecture has been assessed
Justification:(Fill this out, if at least one of the checkboxes above cannot be ticked. Contact the Architecture Management Committee to get an approval for the justification)
The impact is, that there is a new mechanism for data exchange. The impact on CX-0018 has to be evaluated. It has no real impact on the architecture except for an additional feature.
Additional information
[X] I am aware that my request may not be developed if no developer can be found for it. I'll try to contribute a developer (bring your own developer)
Explain the topic in 2 sentences
Add a new dataplane exchange mechanism that is based on Kafka and provides a publish subscribe continuous data push from the provider to the consumer.
What's the benefit?
Data exchange which allows to continuously provide event based data. This enables a complete new world of use cases that are currently only supported with weird workarounds.
What are the Risks/Dependencies ?
None, as it is a feature addition
Detailed explanation
Current implementation
Proposed improvements
Based on a provider side Kafka installation, available topics are provided as assets in an EDC. After getting a contract, the Transfer Process metaphor is used to enable and disable access to the topic. The access is provided by a token that the consumer can use to directly enable the access to the topic in the available Kafka service.
Feature Team
User Stories
Acceptance Criteria
Test Cases
Test Case 1
Do a Kafka data transfer
Expected Result
Architectural Relevance
Justification: (Fill this out, if at least one of the checkboxes above cannot be ticked. Contact the Architecture Management Committee to get an approval for the justification)
The impact is, that there is a new mechanism for data exchange. The impact on CX-0018 has to be evaluated. It has no real impact on the architecture except for an additional feature.
Additional information