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⭐ 🚀Search for Assets Using External Subject ID Wildcard with digitalTwinType #976

Open mkanal opened 3 weeks ago

mkanal commented 3 weeks ago


The objective of this feature is to enhance the asset search functionality within dDTR by enabling the use of digitalTwinType as a filtering criterion. This implementation aims to boost search efficiency by leveraging the digitalTwinType attribute, avoiding the need for twins to be loaded for type identification. The outcome will streamline asset identification and improve system performance.

Explain the topic in 2 sentences

The feature allows asset searches to utilize the digitalTwinType attribute , optimizing digital twin retrieval based on type-level filtering. This approach minimizes resource consumption, enhancing response times for asset search queries.

What's the benefit?

This improvement increases search efficiency by reducing computational load, allowing more targeted queries based on the asset’s digitalTwinType. As a result, system performance and scalability are enhanced, particularly for large datasets.

What are the Risks/Dependencies ?

Detailed explanation

This feature intends to improve the asset search function within Trace-X by adding support for the digitalTwinType attribute. Currently, digital twins must be loaded to detect their type, resulting in performance inefficiencies. With the new approach, asset searches can apply the digitalTwinType filter directly, leading to faster and more precise retrievals.

Current implementation

Asset searches in Trace-X currently do not support direct filtering by digitalTwinType, requiring the system to load and identify twins before processing.

Proposed improvements

Enable direct filtering by digitalTwinType in asset searches. Ensure compatibility with industry-specific identifiers (e.g., PartInstance for serialized parts and PartType for catalog parts).

Feature Team



User Stories

As a PO I want to optimize dtr search using digitalTwinType so that twins must not be loaded to detect digitalTwinType what boost performance

Acceptance Criteria


Test Cases

Test Case 1


  1. Do something
  2. Click something
  3. Add something

Expected Result

  1. Expectation
  2. Expectation
  3. Expectation

Architectural Relevance

The following items are ensured (answer: yes) after this issue is implemented:

Justification: (Fill this out, if at least one of the checkboxes above cannot be ticked. Contact the Architecture Management Committee to get an approval for the justification)

Additional information

stephanbcbauer commented 1 week ago

Some hints from Release Management (@ther3sa) and Tractus-X Project Lead (@stephanbcbauer)