Currently, the Eclipse Tractus-X team maintains an EDC runtime that used the Azure Key Vault. In future there will only be runtimes that support Hashicorp Vault.
What's the benefit?
Maintenance efforts are reduced for the EDC team. The runtime cannot be tested properly, so that providing the runtime does not create a substantial benefit but implies a quality that cannot be assured. So, the benefit is a reduced ris as well.
What are the Risks/Dependencies ?
Companies depending on this runtime have to build there runtime in the future. The functionality is still there, only assembling that into something directly usable is stopped and put into the hands of users
Detailed explanation
Currently, we provide a runtime, that cannot be tested properly, as the availability of an Azure Key Vault is difficult to achieve for an Open Source project. This simply creates effort for the EDC development team and a risk that regressions are added. This brings the risk, that the quality promise of the EDC runtimes is not kept.
In future, using companies who want to make use of the Azure Key Vault instead of the Hashicorp Vault would have to build there runtime on their own. This is comparable to the handling of other cloud offerings. As many participants build own runtimes anyhow, the expected efforts for these participants are very low. As quality assurance needs to be done anyway, no effort increase comes from that aspect.
Feature Team
Andrea Bertagnolli
User Stories
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] No open source EDC runtime available which supports Azure Key Vault
Test Cases
Architectural Relevance
The following items are ensured (answer: yes) after this issue is implemented:
[X] This feature aligns with our current architectural guidelines
[X] The impact on the overall system architecture has been assessed. The Feature does not require changes to the architecture or any existing standard? Please have a look here on the overarching architecture
[X] Potential risks or conflicts with existing architecture has been assessed
Justification:(Fill this out, if at least one of the checkboxes above cannot be ticked. Contact the Architecture Management Committee to get an approval for the justification)
Additional information
[X] I am aware that my request may not be developed if no developer can be found for it. I'll try to contribute a developer (bring your own developer)
Explain the topic in 2 sentences
Currently, the Eclipse Tractus-X team maintains an EDC runtime that used the Azure Key Vault. In future there will only be runtimes that support Hashicorp Vault.
What's the benefit?
Maintenance efforts are reduced for the EDC team. The runtime cannot be tested properly, so that providing the runtime does not create a substantial benefit but implies a quality that cannot be assured. So, the benefit is a reduced ris as well.
What are the Risks/Dependencies ?
Companies depending on this runtime have to build there runtime in the future. The functionality is still there, only assembling that into something directly usable is stopped and put into the hands of users
Detailed explanation
Currently, we provide a runtime, that cannot be tested properly, as the availability of an Azure Key Vault is difficult to achieve for an Open Source project. This simply creates effort for the EDC development team and a risk that regressions are added. This brings the risk, that the quality promise of the EDC runtimes is not kept.
In future, using companies who want to make use of the Azure Key Vault instead of the Hashicorp Vault would have to build there runtime on their own. This is comparable to the handling of other cloud offerings. As many participants build own runtimes anyhow, the expected efforts for these participants are very low. As quality assurance needs to be done anyway, no effort increase comes from that aspect.
Feature Team
User Stories
Acceptance Criteria
Test Cases
Architectural Relevance
The following items are ensured (answer: yes) after this issue is implemented:
Justification: (Fill this out, if at least one of the checkboxes above cannot be ticked. Contact the Architecture Management Committee to get an approval for the justification)
Additional information