The "Partner Interface for scenario management" enables the exchange of scenario requests and the resulting simulation results between two OSim Manager instances. In addition, the interface enables the exchange of commands for the synchronisation of the scenario statuses.
In terms of content, it offers the possibility to exchange the following information:
Request for feedback on a scenario → requestScenarioFeedback() → is a request from a direct OSim partner (can go in both directions in the supply chain, depending on the scenario role) for feedback on the possible fulfilment of the described scenario. For more on the evaluation process at the requested party, see here.
Feedback → receiveScenarioFeedback() → enables the requester to transmit the result of his scenario-based evaluation to the requester.
Send a scenario state → pushScenarioState() → enables distribution of a new scenario state and a communication on the procedure and the binding nature.
The following sketch represents the principle call sequence using the example "Supplier is the Scenario Owner". The other data flows are described below, but the procedure is identical.
Model Description
Resiliency Kit/OSIM Team:
The "Partner Interface for scenario management" enables the exchange of scenario requests and the resulting simulation results between two OSim Manager instances. In addition, the interface enables the exchange of commands for the synchronisation of the scenario statuses.
In terms of content, it offers the possibility to exchange the following information:
Relevant Standards
Example Data
MS1 Criteria