eclipse-tractusx / sldt-semantic-models

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[New Model]: Failure Pattern for UC Quality #620

Closed JulianSchererZF closed 2 months ago

JulianSchererZF commented 4 months ago

Model Description

To be able to perform an efficient early warning process for noticeable populations in the field, we need to have a semantic model to define them. This should be done via the definition of logical filter criterias based on the aspects within the existing semantic models of the use case quality (CX-0123).

To describe the popluation inside the semantic model, we want to use logical operators which also can be connected with eachother (and, or (exclusive), not).

Possible operators: Equals to, less than, grater than, not equal to, less than or equal to, grater than or equal to, starts with, ends with, contains

Relevant Standards

Example Data

productionDate[20.01.2023<x<13.06.2023] and engineSeries[EA189] and softwareCategory[TZGH12345] = true and colorID[LY7W] = false

MS1 Criteria

JulianSchererZF commented 4 months ago
