This ticket outlines the requirements for comprehensive documentation of the newly created SSI Authority Schema Registry. The documentation should serve as a clear guide for developers and system administrators to understand, integrate, and maintain the issuer component effectively. It should include an Arc42 document, Swagger API details, and integration information.
Acceptance Criteria
Arc42 Documentation: Create an Arc42 documentation template for the issuer component, covering the following sections:
Introduction and Goals
Context Diagram
Solution Strategy
Building Block View
Runtime View
Deployment View
Cross-cutting Concepts
Architectural Decisions
Quality Requirements
Risks and Technical Debt
Swagger API Documentation: Document the RESTful API provided by the issuer component using Swagger. This should include:
Detailed descriptions of all endpoints
Request and response models
Authentication and authorization mechanisms
Error codes and messages
Examples of requests and responses
=> this should be already available, however please recheck the documentation to ensure that everything is correct.
Integration Information: Provide a detailed guide on how to run and integrate the issuer component, including:
Prerequisites for installation
Step-by-step instructions for setting up and running the component //Readme to be used
Configuration file locations and descriptions of configurable options
Instructions for integrating with databases, message brokers, or other dependencies
Support and Maintenance: Provide information on:
Support channels and contacts // we should check once with Evelyn if we should somewhere link the details to the respective matrix chat as well as an link to "how to contribute" - I would like that pretty much
Review and Validation: Review of the documentation by Evelyn & Julia
This ticket outlines the requirements for comprehensive documentation of the newly created SSI Authority Schema Registry. The documentation should serve as a clear guide for developers and system administrators to understand, integrate, and maintain the issuer component effectively. It should include an Arc42 document, Swagger API details, and integration information.
Acceptance Criteria
Arc42 Documentation: Create an Arc42 documentation template for the issuer component, covering the following sections:
Swagger API Documentation: Document the RESTful API provided by the issuer component using Swagger. This should include:
Integration Information: Provide a detailed guide on how to run and integrate the issuer component, including:
Support and Maintenance: Provide information on:
Review and Validation: Review of the documentation by Evelyn & Julia