eclipse-tractusx / traceability-foss
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Provide API on #652

Closed mkanal closed 5 months ago

mkanal commented 6 months ago

As team, I want to publish api on swaggerhub so that the api documentation is available for external contributors

Hints / Details

For APIs with reference implementation:

Please use (or adapt existing) automated workflows to publish on SwaggerHub. Maintain your openAPI.yaml and the publishing workflow in the repository of the reference implementation. Remove everything related to that from the website repo and only link to SwaggerHub in your KIT from now on. We utilize a user provided by the Eclipse Foundation to publish on SwaggerHub. Credentials for this user can be used through the eclipse-tractusx GitHub org secrets and can be utilized in automated workflows. Pay special attention to the "swaggerHub" CLI commands. The location where the openAPI file is maintained may vary. The BPDM example showcases how the application is initiated to download and publish the current file from that location.


Examples: BPDM Certificate Management: Digital Product Pass: Tractus-X EDC: If you have any questions, please use our “Tractus-X Office Hour” and prepare accordingly before merging.

Outcome / Acceptance Criteria


Acceptance Criteria

mkanal commented 5 months ago

@ds-lcapellino I am not able to see the api right now. Please add link to swaggerhub once this is published. Please add a link where to find documentation adjustments. Thank you very much.

ds-lcapellino commented 5 months ago
ds-lcapellino commented 5 months ago

Created issue at sig-infra Team:

ds-lcapellino commented 5 months ago

Currently, it is not possible to publish more than three APIs on SwaggerHub. It is proposed to publish the OpenApi sepcification of each project on their own GitHub Page. I've created #772 as a followup story to tackle this.

For more information, why it is not possible to upload more than three APIs, please see:

ds-lcapellino commented 5 months ago

Followup: #772

mkanal commented 5 months ago

PO acceptance during daily.