eclipse-uprotocol / up-rust

uProtocol Language Specific Library for Rust
Apache License 2.0
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`UTransport::registerListener()` using marker trait dispatch for message types + generic #60

Closed PLeVasseur closed 6 months ago

PLeVasseur commented 6 months ago

Hey there folks :wave:

After chatting with @tamarafischer and @stevenhartley and reading through the equivalent PR over on up-java, I tried my hand at something similar over here in Rust.

This is very much in draft status to garner feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

Some Design Considerations

(examples shamelessly ctrl+c, ctrl+v'ed from Chat-Gippity)

Downcasting + Any

use std::any::Any;

pub trait SuperTrait: Any {
    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;

pub trait SubTrait1: SuperTrait {}
pub trait SubTraitN: SuperTrait {}

impl dyn SuperTrait {
    fn downcast_ref<T: SuperTrait + 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> {



TypeTag / Discriminants

pub trait SuperTrait {
    fn type_tag(&self) -> TypeTag;

enum TypeTag {
    // Other subtraits...



Visitor Pattern

pub trait SuperTrait {
    // Method for accepting a visitor. The visitor is an implementation of
    // a trait that will perform operations specific to the type of the object.
    fn accept(&self, visitor: &dyn Visitor);

pub trait SubTrait1: SuperTrait {}
pub trait SubTraitN: SuperTrait {}

pub trait Visitor {
    fn visit_sub_trait1(&self, element: &dyn SubTrait1);
    fn visit_sub_trait_n(&self, element: &dyn SubTraitN);
    // Add methods for other subtraits as needed

struct ConcreteSubTrait1;
impl SuperTrait for ConcreteSubTrait1 {
    fn accept(&self, visitor: &dyn Visitor) {
impl SubTrait1 for ConcreteSubTrait1 {}

struct ConcreteSubTraitN;
impl SuperTrait for ConcreteSubTraitN {
    fn accept(&self, visitor: &dyn Visitor) {
impl SubTraitN for ConcreteSubTraitN {}

struct MyVisitor;

impl Visitor for MyVisitor {
    fn visit_sub_trait1(&self, _element: &dyn SubTrait1) {
        println!("SubTrait1 visited");

    fn visit_sub_trait_n(&self, _element: &dyn SubTraitN) {
        println!("SubTraitN visited");
    // Implement other visit methods as needed



Enum containing trait objects (the solution in this PR)



PLeVasseur commented 6 months ago

Closing this PR, we're going with another solution