eclipse-wakaama / wakaama

Eclipse Wakaama is a C implementation of the Open Mobile Alliance's LightWeight M2M protocol (LWM2M).
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
497 stars 374 forks source link

Roadmap for this repo #482

Closed hannestschofenig closed 3 years ago

hannestschofenig commented 4 years ago

I noticed that PRs for LwM2M v1.1 are available for a while already but none of them have been merged (for an unknown reason).

Can I have a roadmap for continuing the work on wakaama?

sbernard31 commented 4 years ago

Hi @hannestschofenig,

A lot of PRs was provided by contributors but without any answer from actual development team. :worried: After a while contributors asked Eclipse foundation to find a solution. Eclipse foundation tried to contact current development team and in particular current project lead @dnav, but after several mails and time waiting without any answer ... The Eclipse foundation recently decides to create a new team for this project.

Too bad that so many time was lost just because previous team abandoned the project without any news... :disappointed:

Anyway, there are currently at least 2 active contributors which should revive the project soon. Stay tuned :wink:

dnav commented 3 years ago

To say I am surprised by this announcement is an understatement. I have not received any communication from the Eclipse Foundation in the last six months.

The last communication we had was in February with Frédéric. I had the impression that there was an understanding of the status of Wakaama. Wakaama is a LwM2M 1.0 reference implementation. It is a foundational baseline and was never intended to be a complete product. To quote my discourse from that discussion:

The consensus among users of Wakaama is that the project is complete. I had discussions with various industry people, and they are all satisfied with the current feature set. Of course, most have implemented additional features, but few want to contribute their features to Wakaama. This part should illustrate why new contributions did not get meaningful feedback: people are happy with the status quo and are reluctant to see new features coming to Wakaama. Yes, even LwM2M 1.1. They see that as a disruption of their current deployed setup.

Some additional points we should consider about the Wakaama project:

  1. This is an open-source project. The license is permissive. If you are not satisfied with the direction, or the content of this project, fork it, as Scott did. Authorization is not required.

  2. This project is free (as in beer). No one owes anything to anyone. As previously mentioned, many large corporations have benefitted from this Wakaama, and added needed functionality in their self-interest without contributing in any way, shape, or form, and that is okay. People contributing are either doing it in their free time or to answer their own business needs. If you need something missing from it, and if your employer is okay for you to spend time and money working on this, do it. Otherwise, get something with additional features, complete documentation, and a full-time team supporting it like

To all the users of Wakaama during these years, thank you for your interest. Just remember that software, like any other work, has value.

Sincerely, dnav

boaks commented 3 years ago


AFAIK, Jens Reimann (@ctron) from the IoT-PMC tried to reach you multiple times, the last time via e-mail on 25.03.2020. Maybe, his e-mails didn't reach you, or your answers didn't reach him.

For myself, I have to say, that I spent my time into Californium, because it's too hard for me to switch to frequently between C and Java. It was also much too work in the Californium project.

sbernard31 commented 3 years ago

Hi @dnav,

I didn't follow precisely what happened with wakaama last month, but I can maybe give some hints about the current situation.

About communication issue :

I have not received any communication from the Eclipse Foundation in the last six months.

Email was sent as you can see : (your were in copy, your address was used) Maybe an issue with your email provider ?

About scope of the project :

Wakaama is a LwM2M 1.0 reference implementation.

It seems this was not clear for the community and we can not blame it as there is nothing about this in documentation(readme or websites). And by the past you let understand that wakaama will support LWM2M 1.1 :

So not really surprising that people expect LWM2M 1.1 support.

About community expectation :

The consensus among users of Wakaama is that the project is complete people are happy with the status quo and are reluctant to see new features coming to Wakaama.

This sounds clearly not the case when you see all the open PRs and issues.

Yes, even LwM2M 1.1. They see that as a disruption of their current deployed setup.

I do not understand, generally this problem is solved using semantic versioning (or something like this).

Of course people who are happy with the current version is not forced to upgrade.

The license is permissive. If you are not satisfied with the direction, or the content of this project, fork it, as Scott did. Authorization is not required. No one owes anything to anyone.

Maybe, I'm wrong and @fdesbiens will correct me, but I think this is not so true for eclipse project. An eclipse project is more than that. Committers are responsible to make the project "alive" at least by answering to community. They should also facilitate contribution and integration of new committers etc etc .. (see If there are no time or willingness to continue to make the project alive, committers should at least help to pass the torch.(I'm not sure this expression is really used in English :sweat_smile:) If nobody is interested by the project anymore it should be archived.

If you need something missing from it, and if your employer is okay for you to spend time and money working on this, do it

Community try to do it but nobody integrate the changes :confused:

Otherwise, get something with additional features, complete documentation, and a full-time team supporting it like

Maybe, I didn't get you but you seem a bit disappointed that there is not enough contribution to Wakaama project but at same time you encourage people to use your new closed-source solution. It sounds confusing to me.

But to be honest, I still don't get what is your position about Wakaama project. Do you still feel as project lead ? or are you considering that the project is "finished" and should be archived ? I don't get it ?

fdesbiens commented 3 years ago

Hi @dnav.

I am glad to see you are still around.

I am surprised you think we had reached an understanding. In my last private to reply to you, sent on January 20, I wrote this:

I understand that a large part of the user base is happy with the code and not looking for new features. However, at least a few members of your community seem to have a different opinion.

Obviously, it is up to the project team to decide where Wakaama will be headed. That being said, I would strongly recommend to explore ways to accommodate people like Scott. A possible way, for example, would be to declare the current 1.0 release train as a long term support (LTS) branch that would live in parallel to a 2.x branch implementing new features. There are many other ways to achieve the same result. What do you think?

You never replied to me. This led me to bring the matter to the PMC.

Jens sent several emails to the PMC list and to the same address my email had been sent to. You never replied to any of them.

In the last one, he wrote this.

Shouldn't I hear back from you in the next week (which should make this a period of 4 weeks), my recommendation to EMO would be, to declare the project dysfunctional, so that we can elect new project leads and/or committers.

We are well past that date.

Since April, I worked hard to find people willing to continue working on the project. We now have four potential committers willing to jump in.

If you consider Wakaama is complete, what you have is not a project but just a dead repository. Projects have roadmaps, respond to issues and have commits. Dead repositories do not have a community around them and certainly do not contribute to the improvement of the Eclipse ecosystem. Moreover, as @sbernard31 mentioned, projects and committers have obligations to the community. I am sure @waynebeaton can provide more details.

The simple fact this GitHub issue exists shows there are people who wish to push Wakaama forward.

So, David, the choice is yours.

If all you care about is a reference implementation set in stone, then you can create your own static fork of the current repository and live happily ever after.

If you still wish to be part of the team, then I am sure the new committers will welcome your leadership and contributions. However, this means you will have to agree with them on a new course and scope for the project in an open and democratic fashion.

Since you saw the previous messages in this thread, I expect you will read this one very soon. Please let us know as soon as possible if you wish to be part of the project's future.

waynebeaton commented 3 years ago

I am not aware of any reason why this project should be prevented from moving forward. Hypothetically, there may be some limitations on what can be claimed with regard to a specification, but I am not aware of any such limitations. Without having specific knowledge of the governance of the specification process to which Eclipse Wakaama contributes a reference implementation, I have to assume that as long as the 1.0 version remains tagged, it may continue to be the reference implementation while the project progresses.

Independent of any claims regarding specifications, the project is open source and the Eclipse Foundation's definition of open source requires that a project be both open and transparent. Note that our particular definition of open means "open to input from others" (we often refer to this as a "level playing field").

With respect, "you can fork it and do what you want" does not conform to the Eclipse Foundation's definition of open source.

Having said all that, a Eclipse open source project is required to operate within its defined scope. If the contributions are within scope of the Eclipse Wakaama project, then the contributions need to be given fair consideration for merging. It is completely reasonable, however, for a project team to reject contributions that fall outside of the project scope. It is not reasonable for a project team to completely ignore contributions (FWIW, there are a lot of open source projects that would love to have twenty pull requests).

By my observation, the project is no longer active. According to our process, in the absence of a compelling reason to do otherwise, the project should be terminated and archived. Alternatively, the project leadership chain (which includes the PMC and EMO) may declare the project dysfunctional and replace the development team. How shall we proceed?

ctron commented 3 years ago

Thanks for everyone, summing up what already has happened in the last months. So I don't need to do it :)

To say I am surprised by this announcement is an understatement. I have not received any communication from the Eclipse Foundation in the last six months.

As people already mentioned, that is not true. And I do think that this is indeed a big problem. If the people leading the project cannot be contacted.

By my observation, the project is no longer active. According to our process, in the absence of a compelling reason to do otherwise, the project should be terminated and archived. Alternatively, the project leadership chain (which includes the PMC and EMO) may declare the project dysfunctional and replace the development team. How shall we proceed?

I think the PMC already came to the same conclusion a while back. We already asked EMO to declare the project dysfunctional a while back. And we also took quite some extra time to discuss options, alternatives, …

To me, this issues doesn't change the current situation of the project, and I would propose to continue with the plan do declare the project dysfunctional.

As @waynebeaton already mentioned, curating a specific version/tag/state of the repository is no problem at all. But development should be allowed to progress. The project still continues to be an Eclipse project, and thus allows current and new committers to work in the defined project scope. Existing committers can still work on the project, as they can now, if they wish to do so.

@waynebeaton if you need any additional +1 from the PMC, please let me know and I will start another e-mail thread.

dnav commented 3 years ago

OK. It seems I need to remind people of a fundamental fact:

I am not an employee of the Eclipse Foundation.

So please, do not blame me for not doing the things you want to be done. I explained my position in February. It seems you found people willing to take care of this repo. There are other committers. Why the drama ?

waynebeaton commented 3 years ago

I am not an employee of the Eclipse Foundation.

I don't think that anybody has made any consideration of your employment status. To be clear, while we do need certain paperwork from committers to ensure that they have their employer's approval to contribute to open source projects, employment status is otherwise irrelevant. In case there is any confusion, with a very small number of exceptions (mostly the Eclipse Dash and Eclipse CBI projects), the Eclipse Foundation does not employ any project leads or committers.

There appears to be some confusion regarding the project lead and committer roles, so I'd like to spend a minute to discuss what we're doing here in the larger sense.

The Eclipse Foundation Development Process (EDP), which all committers and project leads agree to implement, is all about building a community and ecosystem around open source technology. This means that committers and project leads agree to build up and, at least in part, serve a community around their technology. At least in part, that means that committers and project leads sign up to court contributor participation and help them with the contribution process. To do this successfully requires giving up any idea of absolute control and allowing others to participate on a level playing field (with in the scope of the project). Our most successful open source projects have committers representing a wide diversity of interests, employers, and backgrounds.

I don't see any drama here. Only a community trying to participate in and grow the project.

waynebeaton commented 3 years ago

@waynebeaton if you need any additional +1 from the PMC, please let me know and I will start another e-mail thread.

The project has zero active committers and so I agree with the PMC's assertion that we are in an exceptional situation.

So now what?

My strong preference is that the existing project team return to an active state and that they start an election to bring aboard new committers to increase their diversity. Are any of the committers on this thread prepared to do that? FWIW, the project has three committers: all of them will need to vote in order for a committer election to conclude successfully.

That failing, as is outlined in the EDP, the project leadership chain (the project lead, PMC, and EMO) has responsibility to adjust the composition of the project team to get the project back into an active state. Who should be removed and who should be added?

My recommendation is that we (the PMC or EMO) take this to the wakaama-dev list.

hannestschofenig commented 3 years ago

It is good to hear that you guys are looking into the project management. I am looking forward to hear how the work on Wakaama will go forward.

hannestschofenig commented 3 years ago

FWIW I am interested to see whether this LwM2M v1.1 branch (see will get advanced because we are in the process of releasing LwM2M v1.2 and it would be unfortunate if the implementation work falls too far behind the specification development.

I am also interested to hear whether there is interest in integrating Mbed TLS into Wakaama.

boaks commented 3 years ago


let me first say thank you for all the work you spend into LwM2M and this open-source offering. I'm not sure, if I understand, how you want to continue. I don't want to force something nor someone nor offend someone. As many others feel, that it's better to have "fresh committers", I would go to start such an committer-election, as @ctron has requested in an e-mail.

@dnav @sbernard31 @jvermillard

I would do so on Thursday, 01. October, Evening, if no-one objects that. So, is that OK for all?

sbernard31 commented 3 years ago


it would be unfortunate if the implementation work falls too far behind the specification development.

At least for Leshan we have difficulty to follow you (OMA). Maybe a little part of explanation could be that sometime this is hard to get answer from OMA on not so clear parts of the specification or blind spots. I think investing more time on OMA github issues could help a bit.

In a perfect world, we(implementer and specifier) should be synchronized (we should start to implement version which is currently writing, not an already released one) This way we could report you issue that could be fixed before you release the version. Currently, we are de-synchronized and when we find issue sometime this is too late to fix in the specification. Sometime this issue generates more effort for implementer and can slow us a bit more.

@boaks, I have no objection (but as I'm not committer on Wakaama not sure my word is useful :slightly_smiling_face: ) Hoping the project will be on track quickly :crossed_fingers:

boaks commented 3 years ago


My bad! I always thought, you're a committer here as well. But sure it's, David, Julien, and me.

jvermillard commented 3 years ago


I am also interested to hear whether there is interest in integrating Mbed TLS into Wakaama.

This something Sierra Wireless is interested in and whiling to help


At least for Leshan we have difficulty to follow you (OMA).

IMO sensible standard body should follow the implementation and not the reverse (e.g.: spitting tons of doc which clearly not implementable as-is and wait for fix).

jvermillard commented 3 years ago



My bad! I always thought, you're a committer here as well. But sure it's, David, Julien, and me.

I think he was in the initial project proposal, but his name was lost in the project creation process. If Simon is ready to code more C I think he would be a great addition :smile:

sbernard31 commented 3 years ago

This is not about coding more C, this is more about having time to do it. :sweat_smile: Already difficult to manage Leshan and SBULB. I haven't time enough for Californium, I'm inactive on tinyDTLS and already abandon LDT :cry:. I don't feel I could add one project more.

But there are already, very active contributors which are identified to renew the team.

dnav commented 3 years ago



At least for Leshan we have difficulty to follow you (OMA).

IMO sensible standard body should follow the implementation and not the reverse (e.g.: spitting tons of doc which clearly not implementable as-is and wait for fix).

Allow me to reply to this particular comment. The work on the LwM2M specification at the OMA is following implementations.

Each feature from 1.0 to 1.2 is coming from a real world usage and the technical solution comes from what was implemented to answer it. OMA members then contribute to the standard for the sake of interoperability.

The best proof that the specifications are implementable is the several testfests organized by the OMA.

hannestschofenig commented 3 years ago

@sbernard31 and @jvermillard: Point taken regarding paying more attention to the Github issues. I will take a look at the raised issues and bring them up in our weekly conference calls.

hannestschofenig commented 3 years ago

Regarding "IMO sensible standard body should follow the implementation and not the reverse (e.g.: spitting tons of doc which clearly not implementable as-is and wait for fix)." I believe you need to have a healthy middle-ground. For the v1.2 spec we have had protoyping efforts for selected features but some features are exploratory.

rettichschnidi commented 3 years ago

The election of @sbertin-telular has failed: This election failed to receive the required number of votes in the alotted time.

What now? is this the time to formally replace the current team and reboot the project with a new one?

sbernard31 commented 3 years ago

What now? is this the time to formally replace the current team and reboot the project with a new one?

FMPOV, I think it is.

rettichschnidi commented 3 years ago

Now that he got elected, what are the next steps? I would love to see the 1.1 LWM2M branch of @sbertin-telular finally getting merged and then moving on with cleaning up the PRs, improving the infrastructure, etc. so that new stuff can be more easily get added.

sbertin-telular commented 3 years ago

I have now been successfully elected as a committer. In order to officially be a committer and be able to merge pull requests, I need to complete an ICA.

Since I was first approached about becoming a committer back in January, my manager has left the company. I'm working with upper management to get approval to sign the ICA, but encountering some resistance.

fdesbiens commented 3 years ago

Hi @sbertin-telular!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

sbernard31 commented 3 years ago

Project should be back on track now. See #488

I think we can close this one.

(Do not hesitate to reopen if needed)

sbernard31 commented 2 years ago

This looks like an unexpected comment ? should I delete it ? (@dnav)

dnav commented 2 years ago

should I delete it ?

Yes please. Sorry for this.

I'm investigating to see how this email could end up here.

boaks commented 2 years ago

To be frank, sometimes I miss really some advertisement demonstrating the usage of eclipse open source projects.

But I don't think, that an more than year old closed issue is the intended place.

boaks commented 2 years ago


slurfer71 commented 2 years ago

Join us for this unique online event on 8 Sept. where we discuss LwM2M and its capabilities from a developer and engineering perspective.

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[Developer's Forum]

Unlock Your Organization's IoT Device Management Capabilities with LwM2M

The benefits of using the Lightweight Machine to Machine (LwM2M) protocol to connect and manage IoT devices are noteworthy: reduced power and data consumption, firmware over the air (FOTA) updates and using latest security are just a few of the highlights. The freedom of not having to rely on a proprietary technology or build and maintain your own network is why many organizations looking for a sustainable IoT solution have chosen LwM2M.

But what exactly is LwM2M, and how does it stack up against the other technologies, such as MQTT? How difficult is it to implement, and what are the implications for an engineering or dev team? Join us for this free forum on 8 September at 16:00 CET and discover the potential that LwM2M has to offer.

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Webinar Speakers Include

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Harald Naumann

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Friedhelm Rodermund

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David Navarro

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sbernard31 commented 2 years ago

I'm investigating to see how this email could end up here.

@dnav, it seems the problem is still there :) :point_up:

slurfer71 commented 1 year ago

Learn how South East Water is bringing leadership to the Utilities market using innovative IoT and water saving measures.

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From Our Blog

Don't miss our most recent blog posts, featuring a visionary use case from a major Australian utilities company ( ) , an overview of the benefits of Cellular IoT, and Counterpoint Technology Market Research's perspective on IoTerop's offer.

Why IoT is Vital for Water Utilities Struggling to Meet Demand

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IoT-driven smart water solutions could help optimize water scarcity issues, but they will have to be standardized to be viable as one of the biggest water utilities in Australia is currently pioneering.

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IoT Industry Converges on Cellular as the Wireless Platform of the Future

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Recently announced changes in France around LoRaWAN will cause pain for customers in the short-term but could lead to a brighter future if it leads to more standardization in low power, wide area IoT networking.

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IoTerop in the News

Article by Counterpoint Technology Market Research

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IoTerop Betting on LwM2M for Massive IoT Adoption

The IoT ecosystem is maturing and the entire IoT module/device connectivity to the cloud is now managed by IoT platforms. The IoT platform space is getting crowded as players have just started to capitalize on this blue ocean opportunity.

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sbernard31 commented 1 year ago

I'm investigating to see how this email could end up here.

@dnav, or somebody from interop could you try resolve this or at least give us an update about this ?

On my side I will try to contact eclipse support to maybe block this @slurfer71 user. (

dnav commented 1 year ago

Once again I'm deeply sorry for this.

We purged our distribution lists for any github email address. But apparently the problem is coming from elsewhere as we did not send any newsletter in the last days. And the one published here this morning was sent in July...

Anyway we investigate it.

sbernard31 commented 1 year ago

@dnav thx for update. The user was blocked by eclipse support, so this should not affect projects in eclipse organization anymore. If at sometime, you think the user should be unblock let us know.