eclipse-zenoh / zenoh-c

C API for Zenoh
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Deploying zenoh-C to conan-central index #233

Open MelamudMichael opened 4 months ago

MelamudMichael commented 4 months ago

Describe the feature

Deploying zenoh-C to conan-central index

oteffahi commented 1 month ago

The situation regarding Conan Center Index is the following:

@MelamudMichael Could you please elaborate on your use-cases for Zenoh-C's Conan Recipe? Is CCI the only Conan registery that would fit these use-cases?

MelamudMichael commented 1 month ago

I think that it can be on any other Conan registry, we just need an official Conan recepie that we can use for cross compiling and etc