eclipse-zenoh / zenoh-plugin-dds

A zenoh plug-in that allows to transparently route DDS data. This plugin can be used by DDS applications, such as ROS2 robotic applications and others, to leverage the zenoh for geographical routing or for better scaling discovery.
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Membership status publication #49

Open JEnoch opened 2 years ago

JEnoch commented 2 years ago

The zenoh-bridge-dds are discovering and supervising each other via a Group Management algorithm. This feature is configurable via:

I would be useful for the user if the bridge publishes the group events:

JEnoch commented 2 years ago

Such publication can be made on zenoh, on DDS or on both.

A publication on zenoh has almost no cost if there is no subscriber. I suggest to not make this configurable and to always do the publication on zenoh (key and value to be defined).

On the other hand, a publication on DDS has a cost: the declaration of a DDS Writer that implies discovery messages. Moreover, user might want to configure the DDS topic name to possibly match with the ROS2 design (topic name prefixed with rt/ and possibly an additional namespace). I suggest to make the this configurable via and option:

Mallets commented 2 years ago

@JEnoch has there been any progress on this aspect?