Closed AlexandreVASantos closed 3 years ago
@Mallets can you please take a look at this?
@AlexandreVASantos can you please tell us which version/git revision of zenoh and zenoh-python are you using?
If I am not mistaken I followed the 0.5.0-beta 8 for zenoh and installed zenoh-python with pip3.9 install --no-cache-dir eclipse-zenoh==0.5.0-b8
Just to confirm, the message format you implemented is the one in the branch 0.5.0-beta.8 on git? The message definition is here.
We did a few updates to the protocol on master since 0.5.0-beta.8 and I want to be sure that the same message format is used on both sides. Who generates the initial zenoh messages (before being modified by the router)? Is the zenoh-python publisher?
Yes that is right.
both publishers and subscribers generate the initial messages to establish the sessions. Then there is the sequence of initAck, open, openAck and declare messages. After the arrival of the declare message to the publisher, it starts to send frame messages with data messages inside.
In fact, as of now, data messages are not even touched, only the serial number of the frame message and the Ethernet, IP and udp fields. I could have missed some message after the subscriber declares which topic it is interested in.
So, I had a look at the capture and it doesn't seem to have anything weird in the messages. Everything seems OK (but I might be proven wrong). Would you be able to post the logs of the zn_pub and zn_sub?
You should execute the python programs with the following environment variable configured: RUST_LOG=debug
Is there any way to send those logs to files instead of stdout?
If you are in Unix-like OS, you can do that by redirecting the output like explained here.
An additional request, please provide the logs for both RUST_LOG=debug
and RUST_LOG=trace
just in case.
Here I present the captures and logs from the subscriber and publisher. Thank you for your help.
I found the issue. When you modify the zenoh message you don't recompute the UDP checksum. Therefore, when your modified message arrives at the subscriber, the kernel drops the message because of the invalid checksum. You can verify that is the case by enabling the UDP checksum validation in wireshark.
So, when modifying zenoh messages make sure to also recompute the checksum(s).
AHHHH! Was so fixed on getting Zenoh working properly that I totally forgot about that! Well my fault for not having wireshark to validate checksum. Sorry about that and thank you so much for your help!
No worries! And keep up with the good work :)
I am finishing my master's degree, where my final dissertation consists of using sdn tools to replicate, at least some of the zenoh routers behaviour, i.e. having a network of programmable switches that should behave like zenoh routers, the goal is to offload some of the features to the hardware. Since no zenoh router is in fact used, at least for now, I have to handcraft all the packets by myself and probably something is wrong. Right now I am able to establish sessions and everything works fine. I also have the hardware changing the packets that arrive from the publishers to match the ones that subscribers expect, however using the python zenoh clients available on github nothing is printed at the subscriber level and I cannot understand why. Asked for help in the gitter channel and was told to share my wireshark captures as a github issue. Can someone help me understand why my subscribers are not accepting data? Looking at the serial numbers, everything looks fine I guess.