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Update Modeling Package Description #59

Open eclipse-amalgam-bot opened 2 years ago

eclipse-amalgam-bot commented 2 years ago

The package description [1] for the modeling package should be reworded and updated to :


🆔 ECLIPSE-427655 👷 cedric.brun 📅 2014-02-07

eclipse-amalgam-bot commented 2 years ago

cedric.brun commented on 2014-02-07


The Modeling package helps you using and discovering Eclipse Modeling technologies. With this package you can :

  • graphically design a domain model
  • leverage this domain model : create and edit instances reflectively.
  • collaborate using GIT : compare and merge these models.
  • generate java code from this domain model to build applications
  • install more tools in your Modeling Package using the discovery catalog.

I'm not perfectly happy with it yet, hence the DRAFT.

gael.blondelle commented on 2014-02-07

I would replace:

  • generate Java code, with "Generate code and documentation from this domain model"

It is not only for Java.

cedric.brun commented on 2014-02-07

Well, last time I checked ;) there was no other generator than the EMF-Java one and no documentation generator into the modeling package.

gael.blondelle commented on 2014-02-07

What about these recent proposals?

cedric.brun commented on 2014-02-07

This is about updating the description of the Modeling Package not a description of Eclipse Modeling as a whole. I won't mention things which are not in the package in its description or users will get confused. Yes there are plenty of code or doc generators in Eclipse Modeling, also languages workbenches, model transformation technologies, reverse engineering and so on... But not in the package.

gael.blondelle commented on 2014-02-07

Ok, you are right. Thanks for the clarification.

Cheers, Gaël

cedric.brun commented on 2014-02-07

No problem. That being said I'm all hears for a better phrasing ;)

ed.merks commented on 2014-02-10

I get the sense that the download page:

is is not a nice target for a bulleted format.

Perhaps something a little more concise would do the trick:

The Modeling package provides tools and runtimes for building model-based applications. You can use it to graphically design domain models, to leverage those models at design time by creating and editing dynamic instances, to collaborate via Eclipse's team support with facilities for comparing and merging models and model instances structurally, and finally to generate Java code from those models to produce complete applications. In addition, via the package's discover catalog, you can easily install a wide range of additional powerful, model-based tools and runtimes to suit your specific needs.

cedric.brun commented on 2014-02-10

Thanks Ed, I like your wording better than mine. Will go with this for now.