eclipse / editdor

Eclipse ediTDor - A tool for simply designing W3C Thing Descriptions
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Saved files should use correct file endings and better filenames #59

Closed egekorkan closed 2 years ago

egekorkan commented 2 years ago

When clicked on save or save as, the files are prompted to be saved as untitled.txt . Firstly, TMs should use tm.jsonld and TDs td.jsonld and then for the filename, title or id can be used.

egekorkan commented 2 years ago

Also, it would be nice to have a difference between "save" and "save as". If nothing is planned, it would be good to remove one of them to clean up the top bar a bit.

BessemMnif commented 2 years ago

Also, it would be nice to have a difference between "save" and "save as". If nothing is planned, it would be good to remove one of them to clean up the top bar a bit.

"Save" and "save as" are different when using the Chrome browser. "Save as" allows to save the changes to the file directly to your local machine (no window will pop up) and this after using "Save" at least one time. The reason is that Chrome browser supports a filesystem API allows to save changes to the file directly after getting the permission from the user.

egekorkan commented 2 years ago

I see the difference now when trying with Chrome (I am a firefox user). I would still have some feedback:

BessemMnif commented 2 years ago
  • On chrome, I am not asked for any permission in the beginning. Is this normal? (Of course, I choose the file location when I click but any subsequent save is allowed without any permission)

Based on the documentation of File System Access API, if the permission to write hasn't been granted, the browser will prompt the user for permission. Here I suppose that if you create a new Td and "save it as" you are implicitly giving that permission. On the other side if you open a file from your local machine, modify it and try to "save" it you will be asked for the permission.

egekorkan commented 2 years ago

On the other side if you open a file from your local machine, modify it and try to "save" it you will be asked for the permission.

This is indeed correct (just tested). I guess that if it is a bug, it is for the WHATWG :D