eclipse / editdor

Eclipse ediTDor - A tool for simply designing W3C Thing Descriptions
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@type Thing not being specified generating TDs out of TMs in demo deployment #75

Closed Silvanoc closed 2 years ago

Silvanoc commented 2 years ago

The current version of the Thing Description Working Draft states:

The tm:ThingModel value of the top-level @type MUST to be replaced by the value Thing in the Partial TD instance.

but the current demo deployment is not doing so.

I haven't found any code taking care of that replacement, therefore I suppose that it isn't a deployment issue (like in the case of #74), but a missing feature.

sebastiankb commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the pointer. Please not the this feature was updated with

The tm:ThingModel value of the top-level @type MUST be removed in the Partial TD.

Also see here. This was one of the last minutes updates and will be valid for the Candidate Recommendation.