eclipse / jifa

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Is there any intention to use "jpackage" to package applications under various operating systems? #313

Open youngledo opened 9 hours ago

youngledo commented 9 hours ago

Currently "jifa" only supports Docker or shell scripts to run, which is not very convenient.

Starting from Java 14, it is supported to package a jar package (jpacket) into a runnable application. Please refer to:

I have tried successfully packaging under macOS with the following command:

jpackage --input ./lib --name "Eclipse Jifa" \
        --icon jifa.icns --vendor "Eclipse" --app-version 1.0.0 --main-jar jifa.jar \
        --java-options "'--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED' '--add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED' ''"

At the same time, this configuration needs to be enabled:


The final effect, as shown in the figure:

youngledo commented 9 hours ago

Of course, if you want to use "jpackage" you need to modify the build script(Sorry, I can't help but participate in the script modification, I haven't quite figured out how this build works).