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[Databroker] Location of Cargo.toml #697

Open sophokles73 opened 8 months ago

sophokles73 commented 8 months ago

The Cargo.toml defining the workspace of the Databroker sources currently lives in the root of the repository. This seems rather odd, given that there is a dedicated kuksa_databroker folder which contains all code belonging to the Databroker.

FMPOV Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock (and probably Cross.toml as well) should better be located in kuksa_databroker, or am I missing something?

SebastianSchildt commented 8 months ago

Probably that is true, I do think it was done, so certain settings would apply to "potential other RUST code" in this repo. As the midterm plan is, splitting this repository, which includes moving databroker out into its own repository, I would think changing this in here is not necessary for now. (but we can keep this open for tracking)

sophokles73 commented 8 months ago

:+1: for moving Databroker into its own repository

Vinait commented 7 months ago

Dear Team We are trying to build the Kuksa_Databroker for ARM tool chain( master branch). Getting an error, when trying to install the cross tool using the command "cargo install cross ".
Wondering, Do we support Databroker build for ARM platform ? Kindly support on the same please.

erikbosch commented 7 months ago

Dear Team We are trying to build the Kuksa_Databroker for ARM tool chain( master branch). Getting an error, when trying to install the cross tool using the command "cargo install cross ". Wondering, Do we support Databroker build for ARM platform ? Kindly support on the same please.

This better belongs in a separate issue, but I suggest you to study how Continuous Integration build Databroker. There you can see how binaries are built for all architectures, using ubuntu-latest as build environment