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LAG functionality, Subqueries, Comparing with NotAvailable values #705

Closed DanielLazarHTDM closed 4 months ago

DanielLazarHTDM commented 8 months ago

Enhancing query engine by:

  1. LAG - Lag is now available in query engine - Each datapoint now contains also previous (lag) value. If there is request to feed some datapoint all subrscibers executing query where is possible to check if previous value is different. Than after all subscribes are notified previous lag value becomes the current one.
  2. Subquery - SELECT now can use subqueries (check unit tests)
    • WARNING it is working slightly different than standart SQL, where we can SELECT something from subquery where usually FROM keyword is used and than values are selected from subquery. Here if:
      Vehicle.Speed as notSubquerySpeed,
      (SELECT Vehicle.Speed WHERE Vehicle.Speed <> LAG(Vehicle.Speed))

      We will get value if Vehicle.Speed is valid and there is not new feed of this value:

    • notQuerySpeed: FloatValue(101.0) at 1699598734

And if there is an change of value query is returning:

  1. Equals comparsion now enables left or right to be NotAvailable, because of LAG of course if there is first datapoint change
argerus commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the PR!

I tried it out quickly, and it seems to be working as intended. Awesome!

I'll get back with a more thorough review. But again, thanks, and welcome (as I think this is your first submission here)!

DanielLazarHTDM commented 8 months ago

You are welcome,

Yeah it is my first :) I do have some thoughs about improvent like!

SebastianSchildt commented 7 months ago

Looking good. I think @argerus if this is not breaking "simple" examples SQL Syntax we might merge this, even if it breaks our "never touch sdv API again", as at least the external interface is not changed.

In the mid/short term we should probably discuss whether we move/copy the "SQL-like query" entrypoint over to kuksa.val.v1 (no equivalent there currently), or maybe out in a separate proto/API, as it is a bit "different style" of interacting with databroker than just the plain get/set/subscribe thingies