eclipse / microprofile-telemetry

microprofile telemetry
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Upgrade base OpenTelemetry API (and semantic conventions) #150

Closed pdudits closed 3 weeks ago

pdudits commented 6 months ago

MP Telemetry 1.1 is based on OpenTelemetry 1.29.0, at the time of writing latest release is v1.33.0.

Starting with v1.31.0 semantic convention APIs got separated from main repo, and technically completely removed from distribution -- it is no longer not part of opentelemetry-bom-alpha, and has different groupId: current version is io.opentelemetry.semconv:opentelemetry-semconv:1.23.1-alpha. The version also follows the version of the spec. It is therefore different (and newer than) io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-semconv:1.30.1-alpha.

Therefore specification needs to explicitly name the version of semantic conventions the implementors should follow (1.29.0 follows semconv 1.20.0, at time of writing current version is 1.23.1).

OpenTelemetry SDK itself does not directly depend on semconv, the few attributes are named directly in its codebase.

Therefore we need to decide whether we keep requiring semconv package to be accessible, if so, which exact version should it be.

Related to upgrading semantic conventions to newer version than 1.20 is the requirement of semantic version stability for which I will file another issue.

Emily-Jiang commented 4 months ago

We will base on the latest semantic convention apis.

brunobat commented 3 months ago

Please beware that on OpenTelemetry 1.32.0 was the last version supporting the legacy HTTP semantic conventions. We need to decide if we want to support only the new ones for 2.0.

pdudits commented 3 months ago

Per #153, we decided to only support the new ones for 2.0

Emily-Jiang commented 3 weeks ago

I think this issue has been addressed. Please reopen if you think otherwise.