eclipse / microprofile-telemetry

microprofile telemetry
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Allow to mark REST-Client code as failure #35

Open pilhuhn opened 1 year ago

pilhuhn commented 1 year ago


As a:

...I need to be able to:

Mark an interface for a rest-client so that certain return codes trigger marking the span as failed

Something like

@Path("/access/") // trailing slash is required by api
RbacRaw getRbacInfo(@QueryParam("application") String application,...)

and then in the interceptor code do

  Span span = SpanBuilder.startNew()
   try {
       statusCode = doRemoteCall();   
       if (statusCode matches withSpan.errorOn) {
   } catch (Exception e) {
   } finally {

...which enables me to: Get non-behaving remote client calls into the trace without manually wrap all the remote client calls into the mentioned code manually.

pilhuhn commented 1 year ago

As @WithSpan is part of OTel, we should probably use a different annotation (MP-specific) for the errorOn attribute.

brunobat commented 1 year ago

Hi Heiko, The OTel spec has the concept of Sampler, to drop spans that are not needed. This use case seems to fit it. I don't think there is the need for a specific annotation. The rest-client spec can potentially be updated to include one of these filters. See an example:

Emily-Jiang commented 1 year ago

@Azquelt will take a further look at this.