eclipse / mosquitto

Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker
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Local mqtt brokers started by mosquitto cannot be subscribed or published on it #3048

Open sfwanglining opened 1 month ago

sfwanglining commented 1 month ago

mosquitto: After running mqtt broker started locally for a few days, the client connected to it cannot post messages and subscribe messages. It seems that tcp connection can be established but it cannot interact with the mqtt protocol layer. Unfortunately, no log is saved. Has anyone been in a similar situation? mosquitto Version: 2.0.18 Running platform: linux

sfwanglining commented 1 month ago

Sending messages on the broker using a mosquitto_pub connection will eventually result in an Error such as Error: Keepalive exceeded

D-r-P-3-p-p-3-r commented 1 month ago

Did you create a network trace with Wireshark or tcpdump and check out where the communication fails?

sfwanglining commented 2 weeks ago

The debugging serial port problem of the system is resolved, which causes process blocking