eclipse / mosquitto

Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker
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Persistence db file not created in Version 2.0.18 on OpenWRT 22.03.5 #3064

Open DocHardinger opened 2 weeks ago

DocHardinger commented 2 weeks ago

We are using mosquitto-ssl V2.0.18 in OpenWRT 22.03.5. We having issues with persistence. The persistence db file is never been created. Permissions are set correctly in /etc/mosquitto directory (Owner is mosquitto:mosquitto).

In 2.0.17 this worked fine.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Starting mosquitto service
  2. Connect to Broker with MQTT Explorer and send a retained message
  3. Closing connection
  4. Stopping mosquitto service
  5. Start mosquitto service
  6. Connect again to broker and the retained message is not published

We are using this configuration file:

log_type all
persistence true
autosave_on_changes false
persistence_location /etc/mosquitto/
autosave_interval 5
# mqtt configuration
listener 1883
protocol mqtt
allow_anonymous true
sukesh-ak commented 2 weeks ago

@DocHardinger If docker is an option, you can refer my write-up here to get started

DocHardinger commented 2 weeks ago

No that doesnt work for us we need this running on a small mediathek chip. its an Omega2 with OpenWrt 22.03.05. I now can verify that Version 2.0.17 of mosquitto is working as expected but 2.0.18 isnt. Packages taken from original OpenWrt packages ( )