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OMR Wiki #1827

Open mgaudet opened 6 years ago

mgaudet commented 6 years ago

I am proposing that we enable the GitHub Wiki (or, as kindly for the Eclipse Webmasters to do it for us).


I think there's a lot of room for non-code content that would perhaps be best exposed as wiki pages for casual updating.

I'm thinking about things like project plans and status updates (ie, in my case, posting about the state of Tril, future directions etc, but I can imagine other work benefitting from exposition in the wiki).

Acronyms, procedures, etc would also be valuable.

mstoodle commented 6 years ago

Can you expand on why you wouldn't want that content to appear at the web site? I'm just a little concerned about creating yet another information source for the project. However, the types of things you're wanting to put there are things I think we need to start making more available than we have done in the past.

Could the web site be redesigned to provide what you're looking for, or are you expressing the position that you think the github wiki is the best place to provide it?

mgaudet commented 6 years ago

I don't think the website makes sense to talk about the progress of converting the GC to a delegate extension model, or the current status of Tril as a sub-project -- but I think they'd make good wiki pages.

Similarly, a description of how the CI system is expected to play together, makes a good wiki page, but creating a website section seems strange.

The biggest downside to the wiki is that it will be limited to committers I believe.

For me, we need a light weight place to drop non-code content, and website contribution doesn't feel lightweight to me. But that could be me, as I haven't looked since the mirroring system was setup.