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The documentation is incorrect/very outdated for building under Android Studio #456

Open Mudr0003 opened 3 years ago

Mudr0003 commented 3 years ago

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Android API Version Bug Seen on: latest

Android Version Bug Seen on:latest

Please also check that if you have found the bug in the Release version (1.1.1) that you check that it also exists in the Snapshot (1.1.2-SNAPSHOT) before raising a bug.

Description of Bug:

E.g. Steps to re-create, how often does this happen etc.. Its real waste of time, very difficult to know what works and doesn't to actually get a built to work and a basic app running.

Console Log output (if available):

hannesa2 commented 3 years ago You can give it a try. There the CI builds properly and it contains almost all non-merged-pullrequests