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MQTT Android
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Not Supporting from Android 12 onwards #487

Open MobileTeam1 opened 1 year ago

MobileTeam1 commented 1 year ago

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Android API Version Bug Seen on: Android API 31 onwards

Android Version Bug Seen on: Android 12 onwards

Please also check that if you have found the bug in the Release version (1.1.1) that you check that it also exists in the Snapshot (1.1.2-SNAPSHOT) before raising a bug.

Description of Bug:

MQTT connection not working from Android API 31 version devices onwards Solution: Found a working solution here

I'm using the following dependency - implementation 'org.eclipse.paho:org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3:1.2.0' implementation ''

Please provide a solution as soon as possible @icraggs @jpwsutton

evanwsu commented 1 year ago

If the library is not going to be maintained, it is recommended to transfer it to a new maintainer @icraggs @jpwsutton