eclipse / paho.mqtt.python

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Suggestion: Add the ability to call a user supplied method at regular intervals in loop_forever() #787

Open aabaker opened 6 months ago

aabaker commented 6 months ago

Given that use of loop() is discouraged (and reading the code for loop_forever I can see why) and that it can be tricky to ensure use of loop_start() is thread safe, it would be helpful for loop_forever() to accept an optional argument of a function that, if provided is called regularly to perform any additional functionality that the program needs.

From my limited understanding of the code it looks as though this could be achieved by testing if the function exists and if so calling it just after the call to loop() in loop_forever()

PierreF commented 6 months ago

Fixing thread-safety is something we want. If thread-safety is fixed, I don't think such callback are still needed. I would prefer avoiding to add more callback / way to use the library as this add maintenance works. Do you see a use case where existing API (assuming thread-safety is fixed) don't work ?

aabaker commented 6 months ago

If you can fix thread safety then using start_loop() to run the client and doing any other updates in the main thread would be viable. The use cases I am considering would be ones where the message received callbacks update data structures but some code that needs to run at a regular interval then uses that data. As it looks as if the GIL isn't going away in CPython that sort of code should be OK using loop start() but in an environment without the GIL it would need locking to ensure the message callback didn't write to the data structure at the same time as other code read it.

PierreF commented 6 months ago

But in your case the thread safety issue is not on paho library side, but on your data structure. You should take a lock before updating the data structure and a lock before the other code uses that data.

Even if we fix all thread-safety on paho, it won't solve the possible data race if you don't lock access to your data structure.

aabaker commented 6 months ago

And the need for the user to lock their data correctly is what I meant with the original comment that it can be tricky to ensure the code using loop_start() is thread safe. For the application I'm currently writing, the data structures involved are trivial so I could lock them easily but because writing thread safe code and testing for thread safety isn't always easy having a mechanism that avoids the need for threads can make the paho users life easier.

The right place to strike the balance between making life easier for users and keeping the library small enough that you have the resources to maintain it is something I'm not in a position to judge but a library that is maintained and takes a bit more work to use is preferable to one that isn't maintained so if you think this idea isn't worth the effort then that's fine by me.

PierreF commented 6 months ago

But the user supplied method will only solve simple lock needs. One that only need a single lock which aren't tricky. Or do you have a use-case where the callback method solve a problem that single lock don't solve ?

I agree that if multiple lock are involved locking become tricky, but then the callback method won't help use either (because if you required multiple lock, it means multiple thing had to run concurrently - or a single lock would be enough - and the callback solution is a full single thread solution).

With this solution, I fear that it only fit a too small use-case that could be solve by just using a single lock and adding with lock: at few place. And it should introduce other issue, like the callback should avoid to hang for too long or the client might disconnect. The callback will be called at non-regular interval (depend on network activity & timeout value).

Does some other language paho.mqtt implementation had such feature ?

aabaker commented 6 months ago

My concern with locking is more about making sure that the callbacks are using the same lock as the main thread and not a copy of it rather than coping with scenarios needing multiple locks. There are plenty of examples posted of users struggling to ensure that their userdata is actually updating the original and not a copy but in that case the behaviour is obviously wrong. Testing that you actually have the correct lock if you expect lock contention to be rare requires some care.

If I'm writing code using an event loop it is more typically either X11 or Windows both of which provide timer callbacks (XtAppAddTimeout() or SetTimer() respectively). I couldn't find a paho MQTT implementation that includes one but did find as an example of MQTT implementation that does.

If I hadn't seen the comment that I can't find again about locking issues with loop_start() I'd probably have just used that.