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Question: Is enable_server_cert_auth same as insecure? #231

Closed krishnaTORQUE closed 1 month ago

krishnaTORQUE commented 1 month ago

Is enable_server_cert_auth same as --insecure?

let ssl_opt: SslOptions = SslOptionsBuilder::new()
        .map_err(|e| error!("Mqtt ssl fail: {}", e))
        .enable_server_cert_auth(false) <-- here

Is this equivalent to mosquitto_sub --insecure --cafile ca.crt -h -p 8883?

fpagliughi commented 1 month ago

I have no idea what is coded in mosquitto. But the source code is available if you want to look:

This library calls the upstream Paho C library, which uses OpenSSL for the secure sockets. The enable_server_cert_auth() just comes down to a single call (SSLSocket.c:724):

if (opts->enableServerCertAuth)
    SSL_CTX_set_verify(net->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL);

Full details are available here:

krishnaTORQUE commented 1 month ago


That is absolutely correct.

Confusion is this command working.

mosquitto_sub -h -p 8883 -u user -P pass -t '#' --cafile ca.crt -d

While mqtt paho for rust not working.

let ssl_opt: SslOptions = SslOptionsBuilder::new()
        .map_err(|e| error!("Mqtt ca.crt error: {}", e))

Error [-1] TCP/TLS connect failure

krishnaTORQUE commented 1 month ago

Changing from ca_path to trust_store resolved the issue.