eclipse / repairnator

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have a clean non-snapshot version of maven-repair on Maven Central #1224

Open monperrus opened 3 years ago

monperrus commented 2 years ago

progress with (merged)

monperrus commented 2 years ago

ongoing PR:

monperrus commented 2 years ago

related issue: #1234

monperrus commented 2 years ago

We will enforce the absence of snapshots with

monperrus commented 2 years ago

[WARNING] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.RequireReleaseDeps failed with message: No Snapshots Allowed! Found Banned Dependency: se.kth.castor:sorald:jar:1.1-SNAPSHOT Found Banned Dependency: fr.inria.repairnator:repairnator-pipeline:jar:3.3-SNAPSHOT Found Banned Dependency: br.ufu.lascam:automatic-diff-dissection:jar:1.1-SNAPSHOT Found Banned Dependency: fil.iagl.cocospoon:CocoSpoon:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT Use 'mvn dependency:tree' to locate the source of the banned dependencies. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------