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first snippet in documentation #1262

Closed monperrus closed 9 months ago

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

In the landing doc page of Repairnator the first snippet is

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher -Dexec.args="--buildId=235838150"

This is for Travis and Travis is dead :skull: .

It would be great to replace this first snippet by a class taking a commit id as input.

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher -Dexec.args="--project=org/myproject --commit=eaa16725243ddddeeeeee"

Do we already have this?

ping @javierron @khaes-kth @Sofi1410 @andre15silva @algomaster99 @dginelli

algomaster99 commented 1 year ago

I am not sure. Maybe others can take a look.

khaes-kth commented 1 year ago

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher -Dexec.args="--project=org/myproject --commit=eaa16725243ddddeeeeee"

Not exactly this, but we have a mode in which we can run the launcher using a Github slug and commit id for Sorald. This is how it is called in the code. I think @Sofi1410 used this recently for her tool.

sofiabobadilla commented 1 year ago

Like @ khaes-kth mentioned, we have a mode for that, but we are increasing the data to run Repairnator. So a class for it might be a solution.

Anyways, I'm confused about the question.

You are asking if we can add another way to run the tool by only giving a commit?

monperrus commented 1 year ago

the primary goal is to replace the current first snippet by a better one, unrelated to travis.

that may imply writing a bit more code to have a clean one-liner.

andre15silva commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

AFAIU, there are two tasks here: