eclipse / repairnator

Software development bots for Github. Join the bot revolution! :star2::robot::star2::revolving_hearts:
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Conversational Program Repair Bots #840

Open monperrus opened 5 years ago

monperrus commented 5 years ago

"We imagine conversational systems for patch explanation: developers would be able to ask questions about the patch behavior, and the program repair bot would answer to those questions. Such a system can be data-driven, based on the analysis of the millions of similar conversations that have happened in open-source repositories."

Explainable Software Bot Contributions: Case Study of Automated Bug Fixes

monperrus commented 5 years ago

Resilient Chatbots - Repair Strategy Preferences for Conversational Breakdowns.


monperrus commented 5 years ago

The Rasa framework, by @RasaHQ, presented at BotSE by @amn41 could be of great help

monperrus commented 5 years ago

Genie - a generator of natural language semantic parsers for virtual assistant commands.

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Food for thought: What Makes a Good Conversation?

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Neural Modules (NeMo): A toolkit for conversational AI

monperrus commented 4 years ago

The Apiza Corpus: API Usage Dialogues with a Simulated Virtual Assistant

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Convo: What does conversational programming need? An exploration of machine learning interface design.

monperrus commented 4 years ago

APIBot: question answering bot for API documentation

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Facebook Uses 1.5 Billion Reddit Posts To Create Chatbot

we'll do the same with github and PR conversations

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Automatic Classification of Review Comments in Pull-based Development Model.

monperrus commented 4 years ago

Conversational Bot for Newcomers Onboarding to Open Source Projects

monperrus commented 2 years ago

Designing a Pair Programming Conversational Agent

monperrus commented 2 years ago

Chatbot4QR: Interactive Query Refinement for Technical Question Retrieval IEEE TSE

monperrus commented 2 years ago

Conversational DevBots for Secure Programming: An Empirical Study on SKF Chatbot