eclipse / upm

UPM is a high level repository that provides software drivers for a wide variety of commonly used sensors and actuators. These software drivers interact with the underlying hardware platform through calls to MRAA APIs.
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ssd1306: darwPixel, drawLine etc #646

Open ric96 opened 6 years ago

ric96 commented 6 years ago

right now the ssd1306 only seems to support drawing characters, whereas the eboled seems to be support darwPixel, drawLine etc being based on the same oled/lcd driver. This issue is that eboled only supports spi and the 1306 supports i2c, it would be nice to either merge these two or at least have a common set of functions

Propanu commented 5 years ago

Hi @ric96 I agree with you there's quite a bit of shared functionality between some of the displays supported in UPM, mainly the ones using the GFX header. I think there's a good opportunity to potentially review & merge this when we introduce the generic interfaces for the sensor classes in UPM. For this to work with the ssd1306 though, we would need a drawPixel() function that maps to the byte format needed by draw().