eclipsesource / jshint-eclipse

JSHint integration for the Eclipse IDE
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Issues #99 and #95 . Linkage error or class not found fixed. #100

Closed piotrtomiak closed 10 years ago

piotrtomiak commented 10 years ago

This should fix the LinkageError or at least the ParseException I have reported in Issue #99. Basically, what I found is that jshint.ui was not using json implementation from jshint plugin, but possibly some other version (provided by Tern or NodeJS). Altough this commit should fix the issue for JSHint, installing JSHint it into Eclipse still may brake other plugins, since the shipped json package is modified. The full solution here would be to put modified version of json package into a different package (like e.g. com.eclipsesource.jshint.json). This would help avoid confusion.

tony-in-nz commented 10 years ago

Please get this into a build a.s.a.p.

The MyEclipse team are adding a LOT of javascript functionality at present and this would be an awesome addition as it stops me adding this tools to the latest bleeding edge version in their CI stream.

This topic refers:

paulvi commented 10 years ago


But we need to wait for @ralfstx Ralf

I can release, if Ralf happens to be away for long

tony-in-nz commented 10 years ago

Big Thx. :)

ralfstx commented 10 years ago

Will look at it today

paulvi commented 10 years ago

I was a bit ahead of time, built and bundled as Enide Studio 2014.17 for Windows x64

now waiting for official binary

tony-in-nz commented 10 years ago

The tool suite looks great.

ralfstx commented 10 years ago

Thanks @tonyherstell! I'll see if I can get the modifications into the minimal-json and then use the original bundle of including a modified copy.

paulvi commented 10 years ago

@ralfstx Ralf, it was @piotrtomiak Piotr who actually sent PR

tony-in-nz commented 10 years ago

Quite right. I can take no credit for the work of Piotr. I stand on the shoulders of Giants!

ralfstx commented 10 years ago

I'm sorry for mixing that up! Thanks @piotrtomiak!

tony-in-nz commented 10 years ago

I am sure he wont mind :) Just VERY VERY happy this is being fixed. Great support from everyone.

paulvi commented 10 years ago


piotrtomiak commented 10 years ago

You're welcome guys! OSGi can be very tricky ;)