In my eclipse GUI I current get told I have 52 JSHint problems, when I then run JSHint through CLI on the code I get told I have 358 problems. All the the problems that were missed in eclipse have to do with whitespace and indent warnings. Is it normal for the whitespace and indent warnings to not show up in eclipse?
In my eclipse GUI I current get told I have 52 JSHint problems, when I then run JSHint through CLI on the code I get told I have 358 problems. All the the problems that were missed in eclipse have to do with whitespace and indent warnings. Is it normal for the whitespace and indent warnings to not show up in eclipse?
The jshint config file is below
{ // Enforcing options "undef": true, "curly": true, "unused": true, "maxlen": 80, "trailing": true, "indent": 2, "camelcase": true, "newcap": true, "eqeqeq": false, "maxerr": 1000, "browser": true, "devel": true, "eqnull":true, "loopfunc" : true, "-W100": true, "strict": false }