Closed jpgrace closed 11 years ago
Now, I've updated my eclipse install to Juno. Still nothing doing.
After deleting all of the hidden files and directories within my workspace related to eclipse or jshint, I'm now able to use the JSHint options, but not the Predefined variables. Why would that be happening?
Please describe a specific problem and explain how it can be reproduced. A code snippet and options settings could be helpful. What is the expected outcome and what do you get instead? Which versions of eclipse and the jshint plugin are you using?
I'm using Juno. A brand new install. I create a new project called test. I create a new file called foo.js. In the JSHint options, I enter:
curly: true, eqeqeq: true, forin: true, immed: true, latedef: true, newcap: true, noarg: true, noempty: true, nonew: true, plusplus: true, undef: true, strict: true, trailing: true, onevar: true
In the new file I write one line:;
There's a space after the semi-colon. Two warnings are thrown: 'Trailing whitespace' and 'foo' is not defined. Then I removed the trailing whitespace and add: foo to the Predefined variables.
The 'foo' is undefined warning remains.
I just figured this out! After a completely wasted day the answer is that now the Predefined variables need to be listed as such:
foo: true,
bar: true,
baz: false
No longer will a comma delimited list work.
They could also be listed as:
foo: true, bar: true, baz: false
The point is that now you must specify whether or not they should be included or excluded. I tried to find a URL to link to describing the change of use, but could find nothing. Please add a link if you know of one. Thanks!
The syntax is described just below the text field. Sorry, I was not aware that a plain comma seperated list worked before.
I'm working on support for .jshintrc files and a new options UI to replace the text fields.
I'm losing my mind over this and wasting an entire day of work trying to get JSHint working again after updating.
The enable JSHint for this project is checked. I have a whole bunch of options defined like trailing: true and none of them are being thrown when they should.
I've already deleted my project and started over from scratch, uninstalled and reinstalled jshint. I've attempted disabling validators too with no luck.
Any suggestions?