eclipsesource / jshint-eclipse

JSHint integration for the Eclipse IDE
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JSHint builder removed itself from the project, cannot re-add #98

Closed Eiriksmal closed 9 years ago

Eiriksmal commented 9 years ago

JSHint was working great for me for a few weeks, then it abruptly quit validating after each build. I tried cleaning the project and rebuilding from scratch, but could never get it to trigger a validation again.

I noticed the Project Properties -> JSHint -> (enable JSHint for these files and folders) section was empty. All my added filters and excluded filters had been deleted. I've re-added them several times, but they won't stick--each restart of Eclipse wipes them out. The JSHint builder is missing from the Project Properties -> Builder tab.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled JSHint (from the marketplace) to no avail. I've even installed a fresh copy of Eclipse 4.4 to see if that resolves it, but it's still not maintaining the JSHint settings or adding the project builder! I don't want to recreate the project if I don't have to.

Eclipse doesn't throw any errors. I even tried to strace it to see if anything weird was happening, not realizing that Eclipse runs the Java environment in a separate thread that doesn't get traced. Ugh.

I've checked permissions and nothing seems to be restricting my user at the filesystem level.

Edit: The com.eclipsesource.jshint.ui.prefs file contains:


But shows up as empty in the project properties.

Is there anything else I can try?

Eiriksmal commented 9 years ago

Ah, after more reading through the Issues and playing with Eclipse, I got JSHint's builder to come back by deleting the entire com.eclipsesource.jshint.ui.prefs file and configuring it by hand. The builder returns and validation works again.