eclipsesource / jsonforms-vuetify-renderers
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CDN vs local builds #108

Open TheDigitalOrchard opened 3 months ago

TheDigitalOrchard commented 3 months ago

All of the JSON Forms code examples seem to be written with the assumption that a build tool is being used, and a local import can be done. For my projects, I always choose CDN versions of libraries when available (personal choice). I do use Module syntax in my own JavaScript, but still struggle to know how to load 3rd-party libraries via an import statement since I'm not using a local build workflow. Again, personal preference, as it works better for my many projects and development workflow.

Is JSON Forms written to only support a local-build setup?

I'm looking at the different renders, and Vue Vuetify looks like a good place to start. That library offers itself through a CDN, but in order to blend with JSON Forms, I'm still stuck, as none of the code is using the global Vue or Vuetify objects when those libraries are loaded via CDN.

Suggestions on what I'm missing? How I can get the Vuetify renderer working with JSON Forms when loaded via CDN?

You can see the CDN instructions for Vuetify here:

Thanks for tips.