eclipsesource / jsonforms-vuetify-renderers
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@change event on v-select with vuetify 3 does not get captured #99

Open johnha opened 9 months ago

johnha commented 9 months ago

Current documentation for vuetify3 notes that v-select change events get handled by @update:modelValue="onValueChange" as opposed to @change. I am not seeing the change events bubbled up from jsonforms for the current vuetify 3 controls. I can see comments relating to this change in march. Has anyone upgraded the control set to account for this? Thanks.

skaempfer commented 8 months ago

Experiencing similar issues. Reproduction repo can be found at and corresponding GitHub Page at . Example is taken from JsonForms example page.

Note that changes to the select input field are not included in the data property of the onchange event.

Did a similar test with @jsonforms/vue, but not reproducible there.

sdirix commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the reports!

yaffol commented 4 months ago

This was resolved in and released in v3.2.0-preview-alpha.3 Can we close this issue?

momalie commented 3 months ago

Also had issue with enum that didn't trigger update (no reactivity). Issue resolved by upgrading to v3.2.0-preview-alpha.3