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CMIP6 extreme temperatures -WP4 - Use Case 1 historical #48

Open almarbo opened 4 months ago

almarbo commented 4 months ago

Data Type

Climate Projection

Assessment Category

Climate And Weather Extremes

Dataset Name


Question Number


Workflow ID


Zipped Notebook


``` name: wp4 channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - _libgcc_mutex=0.1=conda_forge - _openmp_mutex=4.5=2_gnu - aiohttp=3.9.3=py311h459d7ec_1 - aiosignal=1.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - alsa-lib=1.2.11=hd590300_1 - annotated-types=0.6.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - ansiwrap=0.8.4=py_0 - antlr-python-runtime=4.11.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - anyio=4.3.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - argon2-cffi=23.1.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - argon2-cffi-bindings=21.2.0=py311h459d7ec_4 - arrow=1.3.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - asciitree=0.3.3=py_2 - asttokens=2.4.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - async-lru=2.0.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - attr=2.5.1=h166bdaf_1 - attrs=23.2.0=pyh71513ae_0 - aws-c-auth=0.7.16=haed3651_8 - aws-c-cal=0.6.10=ha9bf9b1_2 - aws-c-common=0.9.14=hd590300_0 - aws-c-compression=0.2.18=h4466546_2 - aws-c-event-stream=0.4.2=he635cd5_6 - aws-c-http=0.8.1=hbfc29b2_7 - aws-c-io=0.14.6=h6b388c4_1 - aws-c-mqtt=0.10.3=hffff1cc_2 - aws-c-s3=0.5.2=h4893938_2 - aws-c-sdkutils=0.1.15=h4466546_2 - aws-checksums=0.1.18=h4466546_2 - aws-crt-cpp=0.26.3=h137ae52_2 - aws-sdk-cpp=1.11.267=he0cb598_3 - azure-core-cpp=1.11.1=h91d86a7_1 - azure-storage-blobs-cpp=12.10.0=h00ab1b0_1 - azure-storage-common-cpp=12.5.0=h94269e2_4 - babel=2.14.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - beautifulsoup4=4.12.3=pyha770c72_0 - black=24.3.0=py311h38be061_0 - bleach=6.1.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - blosc=1.21.5=h0f2a231_0 - bokeh=3.4.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - boltons=23.1.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - bottleneck=1.3.8=py311h1f0f07a_0 - branca=0.7.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - brotli=1.1.0=hd590300_1 - brotli-bin=1.1.0=hd590300_1 - brotli-python=1.1.0=py311hb755f60_1 - bzip2=1.0.8=hd590300_5 - c-ares=1.27.0=hd590300_0 - ca-certificates=2024.2.2=hbcca054_0 - cached-property=1.5.2=hd8ed1ab_1 - cached_property=1.5.2=pyha770c72_1 - cairo=1.18.0=h3faef2a_0 - cartopy=0.22.0=py311h320fe9a_1 - cdsapi=0.6.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - certifi=2024.2.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - cf-units=3.2.0=py311h1f0f07a_4 - cf_xarray=0.9.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - cffi=1.16.0=py311hb3a22ac_0 - cfgrib= - cfitsio=4.4.0=hbdc6101_0 - cftime=1.6.3=py311h1f0f07a_0 - charset-normalizer=3.3.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - click=8.1.7=unix_pyh707e725_0 - click-plugins=1.1.1=py_0 - cligj=0.7.2=pyhd8ed1ab_1 - cloudpickle=3.0.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - cmocean=3.1.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - colorama=0.4.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - colorspacious=1.1.2=pyh24bf2e0_0 - comm=0.2.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - contourpy=1.2.0=py311h9547e67_0 - cycler=0.12.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - cytoolz=0.12.3=py311h459d7ec_0 - dask=2024.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - dask-core=2024.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - dask-expr=1.0.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - dateparser=1.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - dbus=1.13.6=h5008d03_3 - debugpy=1.8.1=py311hb755f60_0 - decorator=5.1.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - defusedxml=0.7.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - distributed=2024.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - eccodes=2.34.1=he84ddb8_0 - entrypoints=0.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - esmf=8.6.0=nompi_h7b237b1_0 - esmpy=8.6.0=pyhc1e730c_0 - exceptiongroup=1.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_2 - executing=2.0.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - expat=2.6.2=h59595ed_0 - fasteners=0.17.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - findlibs=0.0.5=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - fiona=1.9.6=py311hf8e0aa6_0 - fmt=10.2.1=h00ab1b0_0 - folium=0.16.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono=2.37=hab24e00_0 - font-ttf-inconsolata=3.000=h77eed37_0 - font-ttf-source-code-pro=2.038=h77eed37_0 - font-ttf-ubuntu=0.83=h77eed37_1 - fontconfig=2.14.2=h14ed4e7_0 - fonts-conda-ecosystem=1=0 - fonts-conda-forge=1=0 - fonttools=4.49.0=py311h459d7ec_0 - fqdn=1.5.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - freeglut=3.2.2=hac7e632_2 - freetype=2.12.1=h267a509_2 - freexl=2.0.0=h743c826_0 - frozenlist=1.4.1=py311h459d7ec_0 - fsspec=2024.3.1=pyhca7485f_0 - gdal=3.8.4=py311h8be719e_3 - geopandas=0.14.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - geopandas-base=0.14.3=pyha770c72_0 - geos=3.12.1=h59595ed_0 - geotiff=1.7.1=h6b2125f_15 - gettext=0.21.1=h27087fc_0 - gflags=2.2.2=he1b5a44_1004 - giflib=5.2.1=h0b41bf4_3 - glib=2.80.0=hf2295e7_0 - glib-tools=2.80.0=hde27a5a_0 - glog=0.7.0=hed5481d_0 - graphite2=1.3.13=h58526e2_1001 - greenlet=3.0.3=py311hb755f60_0 - gst-plugins-base=1.22.9=h8e1006c_0 - gstreamer=1.22.9=h98fc4e7_0 - h11=0.14.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - h2=4.1.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - harfbuzz=8.3.0=h3d44ed6_0 - hdf4=4.2.15=h2a13503_7 - hdf5=1.14.3=nompi_h4f84152_100 - hpack=4.0.0=pyh9f0ad1d_0 - httpcore=1.0.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - httpx=0.27.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - hyperframe=6.0.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - icclim=6.5.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - icu=73.2=h59595ed_0 - idna=3.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - importlib-metadata=7.0.2=pyha770c72_0 - importlib_metadata=7.0.2=hd8ed1ab_0 - importlib_resources=6.3.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - ipykernel=6.29.3=pyhd33586a_0 - ipython=8.22.2=pyh707e725_0 - isoduration=20.11.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jasper=4.2.2=he6dfbbe_0 - jedi=0.19.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jinja2=3.1.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - joblib=1.3.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - json-c=0.17=h7ab15ed_0 - json5=0.9.24=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jsonpickle=3.0.2=pyhd8ed1ab_1 - jsonpointer=2.4=py311h38be061_3 - jsonschema=4.21.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jsonschema-specifications=2023.12.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jsonschema-with-format-nongpl=4.21.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jupyter-lsp=2.2.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jupyter-server-proxy=4.1.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jupyter_client=8.6.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jupyter_core=5.7.2=py311h38be061_0 - jupyter_events=0.10.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jupyter_server=2.13.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jupyter_server_terminals=0.5.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jupyterlab=4.1.5=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - jupyterlab_pygments=0.3.0=pyhd8ed1ab_1 - jupyterlab_server=2.25.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - kealib=1.5.3=h2f55d51_0 - keyutils=1.6.1=h166bdaf_0 - kiwisolver=1.4.5=py311h9547e67_1 - krb5=1.21.2=h659d440_0 - lame=3.100=h166bdaf_1003 - lcms2=2.16=hb7c19ff_0 - ld_impl_linux-64=2.40=h41732ed_0 - lerc=4.0.0=h27087fc_0 - libabseil=20240116.1=cxx17_h59595ed_2 - libaec=1.1.2=h59595ed_1 - libarchive=3.7.2=h2aa1ff5_1 - libarrow=15.0.2=h6bfc85a_0_cpu - libarrow-acero=15.0.2=h59595ed_0_cpu - libarrow-dataset=15.0.2=h59595ed_0_cpu - libarrow-flight=15.0.2=hc6145d9_0_cpu - libarrow-flight-sql=15.0.2=h757c851_0_cpu - libarrow-gandiva=15.0.2=hb016d2e_0_cpu - libarrow-substrait=15.0.2=h757c851_0_cpu - libblas=3.9.0=21_linux64_openblas - libboost-headers=1.84.0=ha770c72_1 - libbrotlicommon=1.1.0=hd590300_1 - libbrotlidec=1.1.0=hd590300_1 - libbrotlienc=1.1.0=hd590300_1 - libcap=2.69=h0f662aa_0 - libcblas=3.9.0=21_linux64_openblas - libclang=15.0.7=default_hb11cfb5_4 - libclang13=15.0.7=default_ha2b6cf4_4 - libcrc32c=1.1.2=h9c3ff4c_0 - libcups=2.3.3=h4637d8d_4 - libcurl=8.6.0=hca28451_0 - libdeflate=1.19=hd590300_0 - libedit=3.1.20191231=he28a2e2_2 - libev=4.33=hd590300_2 - libevent=2.1.12=hf998b51_1 - libexpat=2.6.2=h59595ed_0 - libffi=3.4.2=h7f98852_5 - libflac=1.4.3=h59595ed_0 - libgcc-ng=13.2.0=h807b86a_5 - libgcrypt=1.10.3=hd590300_0 - libgdal=3.8.4=hab4ef92_3 - libgfortran-ng=13.2.0=h69a702a_5 - libgfortran5=13.2.0=ha4646dd_5 - libglib=2.80.0=hf2295e7_0 - libglu=9.0.0=hac7e632_1003 - libgomp=13.2.0=h807b86a_5 - libgoogle-cloud=2.22.0=h9be4e54_1 - libgoogle-cloud-storage=2.22.0=hc7a4891_1 - libgpg-error=1.48=h71f35ed_0 - libgrpc=1.62.1=h15f2491_0 - libiconv=1.17=hd590300_2 - libjpeg-turbo=3.0.0=hd590300_1 - libkml=1.3.0=h01aab08_1018 - liblapack=3.9.0=21_linux64_openblas - libllvm14=14.0.6=hcd5def8_4 - libllvm15=15.0.7=hb3ce162_4 - libllvm16=16.0.6=hb3ce162_3 - libnetcdf=4.9.2=nompi_h9612171_113 - libnghttp2=1.58.0=h47da74e_1 - libnl=3.9.0=hd590300_0 - libnsl=2.0.1=hd590300_0 - libogg=1.3.4=h7f98852_1 - libopenblas=0.3.26=pthreads_h413a1c8_0 - libopus=1.3.1=h7f98852_1 - libparquet=15.0.2=h352af49_0_cpu - libpng=1.6.43=h2797004_0 - libpq=16.2=h33b98f1_0 - libprotobuf=4.25.3=h08a7969_0 - libre2-11=2023.09.01=h5a48ba9_2 - librttopo=1.1.0=h8917695_15 - libsndfile=1.2.2=hc60ed4a_1 - libsodium=1.0.18=h36c2ea0_1 - libspatialindex=1.9.3=h9c3ff4c_4 - libspatialite=5.1.0=h7bd4643_4 - libsqlite=3.45.2=h2797004_0 - libssh2=1.11.0=h0841786_0 - libstdcxx-ng=13.2.0=h7e041cc_5 - libsystemd0=255=h3516f8a_1 - libthrift=0.19.0=hb90f79a_1 - libtiff=4.6.0=ha9c0a0a_2 - libudunits2=2.2.28=h40f5838_3 - libutf8proc=2.8.0=h166bdaf_0 - libuuid=2.38.1=h0b41bf4_0 - libvorbis=1.3.7=h9c3ff4c_0 - libwebp-base=1.3.2=hd590300_0 - libxcb=1.15=h0b41bf4_0 - libxcrypt=4.4.36=hd590300_1 - libxkbcommon=1.6.0=hd429924_1 - libxml2=2.12.6=h232c23b_0 - libzip=1.10.1=h2629f0a_3 - libzlib=1.2.13=hd590300_5 - llvmlite=0.42.0=py311ha6695c7_1 - locket=1.0.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - lz4=4.3.3=py311h38e4bf4_0 - lz4-c=1.9.4=hcb278e6_0 - lzo=2.10=h516909a_1000 - mapclassify=2.6.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - 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numpy=1.26.4=py311h64a7726_0 - openjpeg=2.5.2=h488ebb8_0 - openssl=3.2.1=hd590300_1 - orc=2.0.0=h1e5e2c1_0 - overrides=7.7.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - packaging=24.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pandas=2.2.1=py311h320fe9a_0 - pandoc= - pandocfilters=1.5.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - papermill=2.5.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - parso=0.8.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - partd=1.4.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pathspec=0.12.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - patsy=0.5.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pcre2=10.43=hcad00b1_0 - pexpect=4.9.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pickleshare=0.7.5=py_1003 - pillow=10.2.0=py311ha6c5da5_0 - pint=0.23=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pip=24.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pixman=0.43.2=h59595ed_0 - pkgutil-resolve-name=1.3.10=pyhd8ed1ab_1 - platformdirs=4.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - plotly=5.19.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - ply=3.11=py_1 - poppler=24.03.0=h590f24d_0 - poppler-data=0.4.12=hd8ed1ab_0 - postgresql=16.2=h7387d8b_0 - proj=9.3.1=h1d62c97_0 - prometheus_client=0.20.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - prompt-toolkit=3.0.42=pyha770c72_0 - properscoring=0.1=py_0 - psutil=5.9.8=py311h459d7ec_0 - pthread-stubs=0.4=h36c2ea0_1001 - ptyprocess=0.7.0=pyhd3deb0d_0 - pulseaudio-client=16.1=hb77b528_5 - pure_eval=0.2.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pyarrow=15.0.2=py311h39c9aba_0_cpu - pyarrow-hotfix=0.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pycparser=2.21=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pydantic=2.6.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pydantic-core=2.16.3=py311h46250e7_0 - pydantic-settings=2.2.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pygments=2.17.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pyparsing=3.1.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pyproj=3.6.1=py311hca0b8b9_5 - pyqt=5.15.9=py311hf0fb5b6_5 - pyqt5-sip=12.12.2=py311hb755f60_5 - pyshp=2.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pysocks=1.7.1=pyha2e5f31_6 - python=3.11.8=hab00c5b_0_cpython - python-dateutil=2.9.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - python-dotenv=1.0.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - python-eccodes=1.7.0=py311h1f0f07a_0 - python-fastjsonschema=2.19.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - python-json-logger=2.0.7=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - python-tzdata=2024.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - python_abi=3.11=4_cp311 - pytz=2024.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - pyyaml=6.0.1=py311h459d7ec_1 - pyzmq=25.1.2=py311h34ded2d_0 - qt-main=5.15.8=h5810be5_19 - rdma-core=50.0=hd3aeb46_1 - re2=2023.09.01=h7f4b329_2 - readline=8.2=h8228510_1 - rechunker=0.5.2=pyhd8ed1ab_1 - referencing=0.34.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - regex=2023.12.25=py311h459d7ec_0 - requests=2.31.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - rfc3339-validator=0.1.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - rfc3986-validator=0.1.1=pyh9f0ad1d_0 - rich=13.7.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - rpds-py=0.18.0=py311h46250e7_0 - rtree=1.2.0=py311h3bb2b0f_0 - s2n=1.4.7=h06160fa_0 - scikit-learn=1.4.1.post1=py311hc009520_0 - scipy=1.12.0=py311h64a7726_2 - seaborn=0.13.2=hd8ed1ab_0 - seaborn-base=0.13.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - send2trash=1.8.2=pyh41d4057_0 - setuptools=69.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - shapely=2.0.3=py311h2032efe_0 - shellingham=1.5.4=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - simpervisor=1.0.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - sip=6.7.12=py311hb755f60_0 - six=1.16.0=pyh6c4a22f_0 - snappy=1.1.10=h9fff704_0 - sniffio=1.3.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - sortedcontainers=2.4.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - soupsieve=2.5=pyhd8ed1ab_1 - sparse=0.15.1=pyhd8ed1ab_1 - spdlog=1.12.0=hd2e6256_2 - sqlalchemy=2.0.28=py311h459d7ec_0 - sqlite=3.45.2=h2c6b66d_0 - stack_data=0.6.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - statsmodels=0.14.1=py311h1f0f07a_0 - structlog=24.1.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - tblib=3.0.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - tenacity=8.2.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - terminado=0.18.1=pyh0d859eb_0 - textwrap3=0.9.2=py_0 - threadpoolctl=3.3.0=pyhc1e730c_0 - tiledb=2.20.1=h99d63bd_4 - tinycss2=1.2.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - tk=8.6.13=noxft_h4845f30_101 - toml=0.10.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - tomli=2.0.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - toolz=0.12.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - tornado=6.4=py311h459d7ec_0 - tqdm=4.66.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - traitlets=5.14.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - typer=0.9.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - types-python-dateutil= - typing-extensions=4.10.0=hd8ed1ab_0 - typing_extensions=4.10.0=pyha770c72_0 - typing_utils=0.1.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - tzcode=2024a=h3f72095_0 - tzdata=2024a=h0c530f3_0 - tzlocal=5.2=py311h38be061_0 - ucx=1.15.0=h11edf95_7 - udunits2=2.2.28=h40f5838_3 - uri-template=1.3.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - uriparser=0.9.7=h59595ed_1 - urllib3=2.2.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - wcwidth=0.2.13=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - webcolors=1.13=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - webencodings=0.5.1=pyhd8ed1ab_2 - websocket-client=1.7.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - wheel=0.42.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - xarray=2024.2.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - xarraymannkendall=1.4.5=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - xcb-util=0.4.0=hd590300_1 - xcb-util-image=0.4.0=h8ee46fc_1 - xcb-util-keysyms=0.4.0=h8ee46fc_1 - xcb-util-renderutil=0.3.9=hd590300_1 - xcb-util-wm=0.4.1=h8ee46fc_1 - xclim=0.48.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - xerces-c=3.2.5=hac6953d_0 - xesmf=0.8.4=pyhd8ed1ab_1 - xhistogram=0.3.2=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - xkeyboard-config=2.41=hd590300_0 - xorg-fixesproto=5.0=h7f98852_1002 - xorg-inputproto=2.3.2=h7f98852_1002 - xorg-kbproto=1.0.7=h7f98852_1002 - xorg-libice=1.1.1=hd590300_0 - xorg-libsm=1.2.4=h7391055_0 - xorg-libx11=1.8.7=h8ee46fc_0 - xorg-libxau=1.0.11=hd590300_0 - xorg-libxdmcp=1.1.3=h7f98852_0 - xorg-libxext=1.3.4=h0b41bf4_2 - xorg-libxfixes=5.0.3=h7f98852_1004 - xorg-libxi=1.7.10=h7f98852_0 - xorg-libxrender=0.9.11=hd590300_0 - xorg-renderproto=0.11.1=h7f98852_1002 - xorg-xextproto=7.3.0=h0b41bf4_1003 - xorg-xf86vidmodeproto=2.3.1=h7f98852_1002 - xorg-xproto=7.0.31=h7f98852_1007 - xskillscore=0.0.26=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - xyzservices=2023.10.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - xz=5.2.6=h166bdaf_0 - yamale=4.0.4=pyh6c4a22f_0 - yaml=0.2.5=h7f98852_2 - yarl=1.9.4=py311h459d7ec_0 - zarr=2.17.1=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - zeromq=4.3.5=h59595ed_1 - zict=3.0.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - zipp=3.17.0=pyhd8ed1ab_0 - zlib=1.2.13=hd590300_5 - zstd=1.5.5=hfc55251_0 - pip: - c3s-eqc-automatic-quality-control==0.1.2.dev103+gaf19fc1 - cacholote==0.9.0 - cads-toolbox==0.0.2b0 - cgul==0.0.4 - coucal==0.0.1b3 - emohawk==0.0.4b0 - kaleido==0.2.1 - skillmetrics==1.2.4 - xlsxwriter==3.2.0 prefix: /data/common/miniforge3/envs/wp4 ```

Anything else we need to know?

No response

malmans2 commented 4 months ago

Here is the permalink:

Please make sure that the notebook name is correct.

If you need to make modifications (e.g., to address the reviewer's comment), please share here the new version of the notebook and I will provide a new permalink.

Let me know when the notebook is accepted, I will merge the PR into main.

almarbo commented 3 months ago

hi @malmans2 I have edited the notebook to address the first data provider's reviews. Even if there will be more reviews and updates, I would like to ask if you could provide a new permalink. The main reason is that we have transitioned from a large notebook composed of sub-notebooks to individual notebooks, and we want to include them all in CIM. Thanks.

malmans2 commented 3 months ago

Hi @almarbo,

The workflow ID you shared doesn't look right. The Workflow ID is explicitly shown in the CIM. It looks like this: eqctier3-1123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-42665544000 Could you please provide the right ID in all issues you've opened? Let me know here when you fixed all of them.

almarbo commented 3 months ago

really? I actually took it from CIM (when it was called task id) and I have not changed it from the first time I opened the issue, I guess they have changed it. Anyway, thanks for letting me know and I will provide the corrected workflow ID once CIM is working again.

malmans2 commented 3 months ago

Yes, you shared the Task ID but we need the Workflow ID as it is permanent. Predictia recently added a box that clearly shows the Task and Workflow ID, so it should be easy to find.

malmans2 commented 3 months ago

Here is the permalink:

almarbo commented 2 months ago

hi @malmans2 , I have updated the notebook including revisions, could you provide a new permalink?

malmans2 commented 2 months ago

Here is the permalink:

almarbo commented 1 month ago

hi @malmans2 , I have updated the notebook including the data provider last revisions, could you provide a new permalink?

malmans2 commented 1 month ago

Hi @almarbo,

Although the latest template/instructions have not been share yet, it was decided to use MyST syntax to handle section references. This is the new syntax, which is much easier:

 * [](section-1.1)
 * [](section-1.2)
 * [](section-1.3)
 * [](section-1.4)
 * [](section-1.5)
 * [](section-1.6)

 * [](section-2.1)
 * [](section-2.2)
 * [](section-2.3)

 * [](section-3.1)
 * [](section-3.2)
 * [](section-3.3)
 * [](section-3.4)
 * [](section-3.5)
 * [](section-3.6)

Then explicitly label all sections. For example:

## 1. Parameters, requests and functions definition

I've applied this change to this notebook just to show how to use it. Could you please implement this change in all your notebooks? Let me know when you are done.

Here is the example:

almarbo commented 1 month ago

hi @malmans2 . I have a couple of questions. I guess that I can and I should add the text of the sections inside the brackets [], right? The second question is if the hyperlinks also work for Jupyter lab or only for html and Jupyter book, because right now It does not work for me. For example if I click here it does not bring me to the section 3

**[3. Plot and describe results](section-3)**

Also, will the "section-1" be visible? or will be hidden?:

## 1. Parameters, requests and functions definition

Thank you

malmans2 commented 1 month ago

I guess that I can and I should add the text of the sections inside the brackets [], right?

No, just leave empty brackets. It will be rendered automatically inferring the text. The example I sent you is already in good shape.

The second question is if the hyperlinks also work for Jupyter lab or only for html and Jupyter book, because right now It does not work for me.

It works for jupyterlab as well as long as you install the myst parser (i.e., install jupyterlab-myst). It's already installed on the VM, so if you use that one it should work correctly.

Also, will the "section-1" be visible

It will be hidden (although it is visible in the permalink because GitHub does not use the MyST parser)

almarbo commented 1 month ago

super! thanks a lot. Is there some updates regarding the embedded figure?

malmans2 commented 1 month ago

Yes, you must use attachments and you can use MyST syntax (but not pure HTML). The new instructions are here (although I'm not sure they've been shared with the evaluators yet...)

Maybe just send me one notebook with your edits before doing the same to all of them. I'll make sure everything is in good shape.

almarbo commented 1 month ago

Okey thanks a lot!

I send you the corresponding to this issue:

malmans2 commented 1 month ago

There's another problem. You can't have two titles in the same notebook:

# Analysis and results

Analysis and results can not be a level one header. You should either remove it or use ## Analysis and results. If you do the latter, you should also lower the level of the next headers. For example:

## Analysis and results

### 1. Parameters, requests and functions definition
almarbo commented 1 month ago

Hi @malmans2

I have already adressed your comment. Is this notebook already in good shape or something is missing or need to be changed?


malmans2 commented 1 month ago

Yup, this one you sent today looks good. Please send me all your other notebooks in their issues. I will process all of them together and will send you the permalinks and previews.

almarbo commented 1 month ago

Hi @malmans2 , this notebook and the rest of CMIP6 and CORDEX have been updated (issues #91 #92 #47 #95 #96 #32 #93 #40 #94 )

malmans2 commented 1 month ago

Hi @almarbo,

You had a few errors in most notebooks, mainly due to wrong references in the text (see I fixed them myself, so please start from the permalink version next time. I'm going to share all permalinks in a minute.

malmans2 commented 1 month ago



malmans2 commented 1 month ago

There were a few issues with the CORDEX notebooks as well. See:

Also, I had to remove a reference to a CMIP6 notebook. CMIP6 and CORDEX live in different branches, so you can add cross-references only after one of them is approved and merged.

almarbo commented 1 month ago

Oh! Thanks for noticing these issues. The references to other notebooks were discussed with Chris. In fact, we decided to mention other notebooks but not reference them directly for now. I did this for the rest, but I missed removing the reference to the CMIP6 notebook in that particular case. Thanks for noticing.

malmans2 commented 1 month ago

OK, you might want to remove some cross references then. I kept the references to notebooks in the same branches, I just fixed them by point to the correct file.