ecmwf / magics-python

Python interface to Magics meteorological plotting package
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Can not make wind plot using mnetcdf,mwind. #36

Closed RyosukeDTomita closed 3 years ago

RyosukeDTomita commented 3 years ago

problem fixed!

Hi! I want to make vector figure to display netcdf wind data. So, I write a code showing below.

from Magics.macro import *
ncfile = "../data/surface_2020-12-28_0" #netcdf
output = output(
                output_formats                = ['png'],
                output_name                   = "windtest",
                output_name_first_page_number = "off",
                output_width                  = 800)
center = page(
             layout           = 'automatic',
             page_x_length    = 45.,
             page_y_length    = 20.,
             page_id_line     = 'off',# erase ECMWF logo↲
             page_x_position  = 0.,
             page_y_position  = 0.,)
area = mmap(
            subpage_map_projection        = "cylindrical",
            subpage_lower_left_longitude  = 120,
            subpage_lower_left_latitude   = 25,
            subpage_upper_right_longitude = 150,
            subpage_upper_right_latitude  = 50,)

coast = mcoast(
            map_coastline_land_shade         = "on",
            map_coastline_land_shade_colour  = "cream",
            map_grid_line_style              = "dash",
            map_grid_colour                  = "charcoal",
            map_grid_thickness               = 2.0,
            map_grid_latitude_increment      = 10,
            map_grid_longitude_increment     = 10,
            map_label                        = "on",
            map_coastline_colour             = "black",
            map_coastline_thickness          = 2.7,
# My problem!
vector = mnetcdf(
        netcdf_type                 = "vector",
        netcdf_filename             = ncfile,
        netcdf_x_component_variable = "u10", #something wrong?
        netcdf_y_component_variable = "v10", #something wrong?

wind = mwind(
        legend                = "on",
        wind_field_type       = "arrows",
        wind_arrow_thickness  = 1,
        wind_thinning_factor  = 1,
        wind_arrow_calm_below = 0.5, # min
        wind_arrow_head_ratio = 0.3,
        wind_arrow_colour     = 'evergreen',)

Then, I run this code. Unkown Error is occured.↓

# error
Magics-warning: Netcdf MagException:  Can not find variable ---> x
Magics-ERROR: Netcdf MagException:  Can not find variable ---> x

I think "netcdf_x_component_variable" is needed other information but, I'm not sure what kind of information is needed.

Here is information of data . I tryid to replace "u10" "v10" to 1,2(index number), but I cannot fix this problem.

$ cdo infon data/surface_2020-12-28_0
    -1 :       Date     Time   Level Gridsize    Miss :     Minimum        Mean     Maximum : Parameter name
     1 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :     -23.178   -0.059718      22.385 : u10           
     2 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :     -23.545    -0.27896      23.001 : v10           
     3 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :      220.35      276.99      310.51 : t2m           
     4 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :      5.0713      82.041      100.01 : r2            
     5 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :      94224.  1.0107e+05  1.0836e+05 : prmsl         
     6 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :      48682.      96751.  1.0571e+05 : sp            
     7 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :      0.0000      36.312      100.00 : lcc           
     8 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :      0.0000      22.342      100.00 : mcc           
     9 : 2020-12-28 00:00:00       0   259920       0 :      0.0000      21.905      100.00 : hcc           
cdo    infon: Processed 9 variables over 1 timestep [0.03s 53MB].

I also gogled this problem but, I cannot find answer. If you have the idea to fix this problem, plase tell me. ※My environment is macOS catarina and Ubuntu20.04, python3 version is 3.8.