ecn310 / course-project-accidentsteam

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Outlining and Writing the Final Lit Review #13

Closed annarupert closed 9 months ago

annarupert commented 10 months ago

Hi! This is the task documentation for the writing aspect of the lit review. Please Go through your section of the lit review and make sure it applies properly to our paper. Mark when done!

I will begin to compile the lit review so we can have something substantial to work with when we get back from break.

annarupert commented 10 months ago


annarupert commented 9 months ago

Today we decided to hand the responsibilities of the lit review to Tomoyoshi and he has started writing the first draft.

ttakita-su commented 9 months ago

I am working on it rn will update here

annarupert commented 9 months ago


Any Updates?

ttakita-su commented 9 months ago


Any Updates?

Made an outline going to bird to work on it now

ttakita-su commented 9 months ago

ttakita-su commented 9 months ago


Our paper takes a close look at what makes workplaces safe and what can cause more accidents. We started by looking at some old studies, like the ones by (Viscusi, 1979)and (Smith, 1979), which asked if having safety inspections at work actually made things safer. They found that right after inspections in 1973, workplace injuries went down by 17%, but the next year in 1974, things didn't really look any different. This makes it kind of difficult to say for sure if inspections help prevent accidents or not. (Li L. &., 2019) touches on the most recent data and suggests that OSHA has a positive impact on worker safety.

Then, there's a study by (Li L. &., 2019) that checked if being in a labor union means fewer accidents happen at work. It seems logical because unions are supposed to look out for workers' safety. But, surprisingly, the study showed that just being in a union didn't really change the number of accidents.

The type of job people do also matters. (Charles K.K Johnson M.S., 2019)showed that in mining, when there's a sudden increase in demand for what they're digging up, there tend to be more accidents. This is probably because when companies are really busy, they might not focus as much on following safety regulations. (DAVID I. LEVINE, 2012)suggested that companies that make their workplaces safer could end up doing better in the long run since more people would want to work in a place that's known for being safe.

What makes our paper stand out is that we didn't just look at one place or one kind of job—we looked data that covered different types of firms at different places, collected by OSHA. This way, we can really understand what's going on with safety at work everywhere.